Patrols increase to encourage safe driving
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News from the Montana Department of Transportation
HELENA — As Montana’s busiest travel season begins, 40 law enforcement agencies throughout the state will increase patrols to enforce Montana seat belt laws and encourage safe driving beginning Monday, May 18, through the busy Memorial Day holiday weekend until May 31.
Increased enforcement is one of the four focus areas of the Vision Zero initiative launched last year by the Montana Department of Transportation, which aims to eliminate death and injury on Montana roadways.
“Vision Zero is our way of reminding Montanans that one casualty on our roadways is one too many,” said MDT Director Mike Tooley. “Last year fewer people died on our roads than the year before, but we can still do better — we can still save more lives.”
In 2014, MDT reports that 192 occupants died in vehicle crashes, down from 229 in 2013. Of those occupant fatalities 54 percent, or 103 individuals, were either not buckled up or were wearing their seat belts improperly.
“It’s evident that seat belt usage is one of Montana’s biggest hurdles to overcome in our quest to save lives,” Tooley added. “And now we’re moving into the time of year when historically most of Montana’s fatal crashes happen. To prevent tragedy from happening to ourselves and those we care about, we need to always buckle up, drive sober and keep distractions at bay.”
During the increased patrol period in May, local police departments, county sheriff offices and the Montana Highway Patrol will be out in number to encourage safe driving and to monitor all traffic violations — including seat belt use, speeding and impaired driving. These increased patrols will again be in action around the Fourth of July and Labor Day holidays.
At the same time this month, the Montana Department of Transportation launches its May Mobilization Vision Zero public information campaign to encourage all drivers to buckle up and drive responsibly. To reach the state’s youngest drivers — who in the under-age-25 demographic account for 25 percent of combined fatalities and serious injuries on Montana roadways — MDT will run its humorous but poignant Myth Crashers videos on social media ads as well as its heartrending Shattered Mom ad on Hulu, the popular video streaming service. Drivers at gas pumps near several of the state’s highest crash corridors will also be reminded to buckle up on Fuel Montana Media screens.
The Montana Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization education campaign, “Click It or Ticket,” runs May 18 to May 31, alongside increased enforcement.