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Bill encourages ammunition manufacturing

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HELENA — Senator Matt Rosendale, R-Glendive, introduced legislation designed to encourage ammunition manufacturers to do business in Montana.  Senate Bill 122 passed the Senate and was given a hearing in House Taxation this week.

“The fact of the matter is that if we do not have a guaranteed supply of ammunition for those firearms, the number of weapons you have doesn’t matter,” Rosendale said.

The bill encourages manufacturers of smokeless powder and ammunition components by providing tax exemptions and it would also exempt them from frivolous lawsuits.

“The Second Amendment is very difficult to uphold if you don’t have ammunition. You just have a piece of steel you can swing like a baseball bat,” Rosendale said.

Currently there is only one manufacturer of smokeless powder in the United States and most of their product is purchased by the Department of Defense.

The bill, if passed and signed by the Governor, would take effect immediately.

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