ST. IGNATIUS – Weekdays look different for the McNutt family compared to a few short weeks ago, before Governor Steve Bullock announced that all public schools should close to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Since St. Ignatius schools closed on March 16, the five McNutt children spend their days at home, playing outside and trying to keep up with school work. Dawn McNutt, their mother, said the unexpected cancellation has caused her family a number of challenges, a common experience for people in the Mission Valley these days. When students are unexpectedly home all day, it’s hard for families to adjust. “I’m trying to keep my house and...
ST. IGNATIUS — For now, the Mission Valley Food Pantry will remain open on our regular schedule. Clients will no longer be allowed into the pantry. Rather they will be asked to come to the window to sign in and we will have boxes made up. We will only ask them about fresh and frozen items. There will b...
LAKE COUNTY — As additional social-distancing measures are put in place to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Lake County Council on Aging encourages senior citizens to self-isolate. According to LCCOA Executive Director Dara Rodda, the organization has limited its services to the senior food c...
LAKE COUNTY – The classrooms of all local schools are empty in an effort to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus sweeping the nation, but teachers and administrators don’t want their students to fall behind during their absence from school. For now, schools across the state are clo...
COVID-19 presents challenges well beyond the obvious health concerns. Many adults are working from home or home dealing with the stress of unemployment. Many now have the added duty of around the clock childcare, no small task in ordinary times. Now, with the “stay at home” directive, there are t...

News from CSKT FLATHEAD LAKE – With all the cancelations happing throughout the Mission Valley, rest assured at least one event will not be canceled. Grab your fishing poles and get your families onto Flathead Lake to participate in the 2020 Spring Mack Days event, which began on March 20...
News from Loaves and Fish POLSON – The Polson Loaves and Fish food pantry thank our incredible supporters and pass along this important information. The pantry is still open during our regular hours, 2-5:45 p.m. on Tuesdays and 10-1:45 p.m. on Fridays. However, we are now a drive-through ...

LAKE COUNTY – Though schools are closed for two weeks to reduce the spread of COVID-19, districts are making sure students are still fed. Since the closures, schools have given out hundreds of meals for students to eat at home to make up for meals they would have otherwise eaten in their school’s...
News from the Lake County Election Administrator Katie Harding LAKE COUNTY – With COVID-19, the Lake County Election Office is recommendingvoters sign up for an absentee ballot for the Federal Primary Election to be held on June 2. This request is due to social distancing, quarantines and limitati...
News from CSKT Beginning immediately, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes implemented a government-wide partial shutdown. All department heads were directed to establish an essential services schedule through March 27. Department heads are firming up plans on what services will remain i...