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Articles with the Tag: U.S. Forest Service

Valley Views

Montanans appreciate locally grown food, from vegetables to fresh-picked huckleberries, raw honey, and grass-fed beef. Can we say the same about our wood products? Your community would rally to keep a local rancher in business… won’t you do the same to keep a local sawmill in business?  ...

Montana Bumble Bee Atlas takes flight

News from USDA MISSOULA — The Montana Bumble Bee Atlas, a collaborative community science project of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, the U.S. Forest Service, and Missoula County Department of Ecology and Extension, needs community science volunteers to work alongside researchers ...

Scoping begins for northwest MT conservation easement

News from MT FWP KALISPELL — Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is initiating public scoping on a potential purchase of a conservation easement in Flathead and Sanders counties. FWP is working with The Trust for Public Land (TPL) and Green Diamond Resource Company on a potential project to plac...

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