Articles with the Tag: Ronan
RONAN — All are invited to attend the annual Ronan Harvest Festival this Saturday, Sept. 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The family-friendly event will be held in the grassy area behind the visitor center and Glacier Bank. Sponsored by the Ronan Chamber of Commerce, activities include a farmers market and...
RONAN — The Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu: — Wednesday, Sept. 13: soup, sandwiches, salad, dessert — Friday, Sept. 15: ribs, sauerkraut,...

RONAN – This year’s St. Luke Community Healthcare Foundation Dinner will support the addition of new in-house Magnetic Resonance Imaging capabilities for the hospital. The new, stationary MRI would replace mobile MRI services currently offered two days a week. “The challenge is volume...

A former Montana Highway Patrolman from Ronan has started a Gofundme to raise money to finish building his family home and to access additional healthcare to deal with trauma stemming from his previous work as a trooper. Zach Miller served as a highway patrolman from February of 2014 until November of 202...
RONAN — The Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu is: — Wednesday, Sept. 6: sloppy Joes, salad, dessert — Friday, Sept. 8: ribs, sauerk...
RONAN — Members of the Ronan Revitalization committee met at Mission West last week for an update on the development of a downtown master plan / economic development strategic plan being developed by KLJ Engineering & Planning Services. Attending RR committee members included Whitney Liegakos fr...
News from the Montana Department of Transportation RONAN — Next week, Riverside Contracting crews will be paving the northbound lanes of US Highway 93 (US 93). Northbound and southbound traffic are now traveling on a paved surface throughout the project area. Gravel installation is occurring on...

Story from the Aug. 30, 1912 issue of the Ronan Pioneer History of Ronan will date hereafter from August 24, 1912, the date of the big fire. On that day at between 2:30 and 2:45 p.m., the exact minute being in dispute, a fire was discovered in the automobile garage of Crawford & Clairmont, in the al...
News from Sloane Stinson on behalf of the Montana Department of Transportation RONAN — Construction of the southbound lanes of US Highway 93 (US 93) is underway. Crews will be installing gravel next week. Watch for trucks entering and exiting the project site. Drivers continue to travel o...
RONAN — The Mission Valley Senior Center is across from St. Luke’s Hospital. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu is: Wednesday, Aug. 16: Salisbury steak, salad, dessert Friday, Aug. 18: Polish dogs, salad, dessert Monday, Aug. 21: tu...