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Articles with the Tag: Ronan Revitalization

Ronan makes plans Ronan  makes plans

RONAN — The Ronan Revitalization committee met with representatives from KLJ Engineering on May 21 to review draft reports of a Downtown Master Plan and 5-year Economic Development Strategic Plan. Ronan Revitalization is a subcommittee of the Ronan Area Chamber of Commerce with representation from t...

KLJ Engineering to help develop Ronan master plan

RONAN — Members of the Ronan Revitalization committee met at Mission West last week for an update on the development of a downtown master plan / economic development strategic plan being developed by KLJ Engineering & Planning Services. Attending RR committee members included Whitney Liegakos fr...

Ronan Revitalization Committee meets with engineering firm

RONAN — The Ronan Revitalization Committee met with their newly selected engineering firm to discuss the upcoming work planned for downtown Ronan.  KLJ Engineering representatives Neil Putnam, Ian Butler-Severson, Gary Johnson, and Becky Bey attended the meeting via Zoom and explained KLJ was i...

Revitalization committee talks progress

RONAN — The Ronan Revitalization Committee held their first meeting of the new year on Jan. 23 to discuss progress toward improving the town and projects to look forward to.  As part of the requirement for participating in the Montana Main Street (MMS) program, members of the committee, along w...

Ronan City Council discusses revitalization, business licensing Ronan City Council discusses revitalization, business licensing

RONAN — The revitalization of Ronan continues to move forward as the Revitalization Committee prepares to hire a planning firm to establish the overall master plan.  At the Dec. 14 city council meeting, Whitney Liegakos of the Revitalization Committee shared that they have completed their draft...

Ronan Revitalization proposes downtown improvement projects Ronan Revitalization proposes downtown improvement projects

RONAN — With a visit from the Montana Main Street (MMS) program on July 11, the Ronan Revitalization Committee outlined their next steps for upcoming projects to breathe life back into downtown.  Ronan received an offer of membership from MMS back in March, along with the offer of an additional...

Ronan Revitalization receives $50k grant Ronan Revitalization receives $50k grant

RONAN — During the Ronan Revitalization meeting on May 23, Montana Mainstreet Program representative Taylor Crowl presented the committee and City of Ronan with the option of receiving a $50,000 grant for a downtown master plan for Ronan.  A rare offer, only available when the program has extra...

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