Articles with the Tag: News
The media is most definitely not your enemy. Far from being the enemy of the people, day in and day out we take our role as the Fourth Estate seriously and work hard to protect your right to know, making public records requests and attending public meetings to keep you informed. Why? ...
Most of us prefer sunshine. It’s rare to hear someone say, “That was a nice, cloudy day.” We’re invigorated by a glorious sunrise and spend hours outdoors on brilliantly sunny days. As John Denver so succinctly sang, “Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.” In jour...
As we marked the Valley Journal’s 10th anniversary last Saturday, we were thrilled that so many of our friends, neighbors and readers from all over Lake County were able to attend the event at the Ronan Community Center. The group of people that mingled in and out truly represented the broad spectru...