Articles with the Tag: Montana
News from the Area VI Agency on Aging The state Senior Medicare Patrol is warning of a recent report of an apparent phone scam in Eureka, Montana. Someone was called in an attempt to get personal information under the guise of helping the person with their Medicare. The person’s caller ID showed t...
POLSON — The Montana Legislature was able to fill a projected $227 million budget deficit during a special session held mid November. State Rep. Greg Hertz, R-Polson, said it was a difficult task. Some legislators met for committee meetings on Monday, Nov. 13, and the session official...
It has been 30 years since the last time our nation’s tax code has been overhauled. In that time, the tax rate we levy on businesses has become one of the highest in the world, the tax code itself has become an incomprehensible mess, and special interests have drilled it full of loopholes that benefit ...
BOZEMAN — The U.S. Department of Agriculture encourages people and groups wanting to protect critical wetlands, agricultural lands and grasslands to consider enrolling their property into conservation easements. This year, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service plans to invest $250 million...
When Larry Raffatto got his draft notice, he had about 10-14 days to exercise an option to enlist rather than be drafted. He didn’t want to go to the Army. He went to see the Navy recruiter in Missoula, but their quota was full. He went down the hall to the Air Force recruiter and got the same story. &...
ST. IGNATIUS – The Flathead Joint Board of Control discussed the Montana Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and the State of Montana’s water compact during their regular board meeting Nov. 14. The FJBC alleged that the ...
News from Lake County Community Development Corporation RONAN — Executive Director Gypsy Ray announced she is very pleased to share that LCCDC was awarded a USDA Intermediary Relending Program lending award of $750,000. These funds assist new or small businesses across Lake, Mineral and Sand...
CORWIN (CORKY) CLAIRMONT “Art provides a powerful connection to our culture and gives us a way to share it with the world.” Corwin “Corky” Clairmont is an enrolled member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. Clairmont was born in Saint Ignatius, and currently resi...
Mule and whitetail deer are abundant these days over much of our region. As many of us have experienced, deer can do a lot of damage to a garden in a short time. In spring and summer they eat flowers and foliage. In winter, deer browse on the young shoots and buds of shrubs and trees. Deer prefer some plants...
MISSOULA — While nearly nine in 10 Montanans support the development of more renewable energy sources like solar energy, electric utilities and fossil fuel-backed special interests are trying to hold off the inevitable renewable-energy future by promoting policies that would make rooftop solar ha...