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Articles with the Tag: Governor Greg Gianforte

Gianforte announces historic investment in broadband expansion Gianforte announces historic investment in broadband expansion

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — Approving the recommendations of the Communications Advisory Commission, Governor Greg Gianforte today announced a $309 million investment to expand access to reliable broadband for 62,000 families, small businesses, farms, and ranches in Montana...

Governor Gianforte welcomes Amazon to Montana

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — Governor Greg Gianforte today announced Amazon’s first facility in Montana is currently under construction in Missoula. Representing Amazon’s first major investment in Montana, the new facility will create more than 100 new jobs. &...

Governor Gianforte celebrates adoption with Montana families Governor Gianforte celebrates adoption with Montana families

News from Department of Public Health and Human Services  HELENA — In a ceremony at the State Capitol on Nov. 29, Governor Greg Gianforte joined Montana families to celebrate Adoption Month.  “Adoption is a precious, lifechanging gift,” Governor Gianforte said. “To m...

Secretary of State appeals rulings that struck down new election laws

News from Alex Sakariassen, Montana Free Press MONTANA — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen filed an appeal with the state Supreme Court Tuesday challenging the rulings of a district court judge who overturned four election administration laws passed by the 2021 Legislature. The notice...

Governor Gianforte selects Capitol Christmas Tree Governor Gianforte selects Capitol Christmas Tree

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — In a Good Neighbor Authority timber sale area in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, Governor Greg Gianforte yesterday selected the 2022 State Capitol Christmas tree. “Harvested on our public lands, this Montana tree will be proudl...

DNRC rescinds municipal water right guidance

News from MT Dept. of Natural Resources & Conservation HELENA — The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation announced the rescission of a 2014 memo intended to provide guidance on changes in use for municipal water rights. “After reviewing the memo and its implementation over...

Governor promotes work-based learning for Montana students Governor promotes work-based learning for Montana students

 News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — Visiting with welding and machining students at Capital High School, Governor Greg Gianforte recently highlighted the importance of Career and Technical Education programs in empowering students with in-demand skills and providing a highly ...

Governor unveils pro-family, pro-jobs budget

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — Governor Greg Gianforte today unveiled his “Budget for Montana Families,” a historic pro-family, pro-jobs budget for the State of Montana for the next biennium. Governor Gianforte’s “Budget for Montana Families” p...

Scholarship campaign returns for November

News from the Office of the Governor HELENA — The Governor’s Office of Community Service, Reach Higher Montana, and Montana Campus Compact are pleased to announce applications are now being accepted for the 2023 Youth Serve Montana Scholarship. This year’s scholarship is being offered ...

$125,000 in scholarship awards available to high school seniors

News from the Office of the Governor HELENA — The Governor’s Office of Community Service, Reach Higher Montana, and Montana Campus Compact are pleased to announce applications are now being accepted for the 2023 Youth Serve Montana Scholarship. This year’s scholarship is being offered ...

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