Articles with the Tag: Flathead Indian Reservation
News from CSKT FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION — May is Wildfire Awareness month, the ideal time to reduce the excess vegetation around your home that could pose a wildfire threat. As you begin spring cleanup, if burning is the only option to dispose of woody material, fire officials ur...
PABLO – There are so many things in our environment that we cannot see, as Salish Kootenai College STEM Academy students are discovering. While in STEM Academy, high school students from around the valley conduct authentic, college-level science research in collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical ...
News from CSKT Division of Fire FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION – Spring burning season is finally here. Burning is a great way to clear dead vegetation and clean up. Before you light your piles or grass this spring, take the necessary precautions to ensure your burn does not become the next wil...
News from CSKT The Tribal Wildlife Management Program reminds the public that springtime on the Flathead Indian Reservation means spring bear activity. Both black bear and grizzly bear are yearlong residents, and once the weather begins to warm up, you can expect to start seeing signs of bear acti...
RONAN – Creating a positive future for hundreds of children is such an important goal for the Boys and Girls Club of the Flathead Reservation and Lake County that they’ve named their annual celebration the Great Futures Breakfast. This is the fifth year for the event. About 200 adults and a fe...
ST. IGNATIUS — On April 23, the Flathead Reservation Human Rights Coalition is sponsoring a free showing of the CSKT film, “In the Spirit of ʔAtatićeʔ: The Untold Story of the National Bison Range.” Join us at 6:30 p.m. for a potluck meal followed by the film and CSKT panel discussion at Mi...
News from Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana CHARLO – The Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana was recently awarded a “Preservation Assistance for Small Institutions” grant in the amount of $5,775 from the National Endowment for the Humanities. This grant will span an 18-month period...
For the third time, Marita Growing Thunder walked across the Flathead Indian Reservation with a group of supporters carrying signs saying “save our sisters” to bring awareness to the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). “Hope is created by the fact that we are still her...
News from CSKT Natural Resource Department The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Indian Reservation announce the availability of hunting, fishing and recreation regulations for the 2019-2020 license season. The new license season began March 1. All bird hunters, anglers an...
News from CSKT Natural Resource Department The Flathead Indian Reservation Advisory Board is seeking comments on the draft 2019-2020 hunting seasons for shooting hours and limits for migratory waterfowl, pheasants and gray partridge for non-member hunters. A copy of the draft regulations...