Articles with the Tag: Elections
LAKE COUNTY — Excitement and optimism were the themes struck by three incoming mayors chosen by voters during last Tuesday’s municipal elections in Lake County. The vote saw two incumbent mayors lose their seats and the race for a council seat in Ronan end in a tie vote. According to uno...
By Rylee Sommers-Flanagan, Upper Seven Law BILLINGS — Montana Youth Action, Forward Montana Foundation, and Montana Public Interest Research Group (MontPIRG) have filed a lawsuit challenging three recently passed laws that restrict young Montanans’ access to voting. The challenged bills i...
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senators Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) along with U.S. Rep. David Price (D-N.C.) are reintroducing their Spotlight Act to shine a light on dark money political donors and hold the government accountable to enforce our nation’s campaign finance laws. The S...
News from the Office of Jon Tester MONTANA — On the 11th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision that turned on the spigot of dark money in elections, U.S. Senator Jon Tester reaffirmed his commitment to fighting the corrosive influence of dark money and announced he will...

Last Tuesday’s election changed the hue of Montana from purple to deep red, firmly anchoring Republicans at every level of state government, from the governor’s mansion on down. In the federal arena too, Gov. Steve Bullock succumbed to Republican incumbent Steve Daines in the race for the U...

LAKE COUNTY – Katie Harding steps into her new role as interim Lake County Clerk and Recorder Oct. 28, when the county commissioners make her appointment official. She replaces Paula Holle, who retired recently after 31 years in county government. Harding also occupies an office once held by h...

MSU News Service Montana State University recently released the results of its Treasure State poll weighing Montana attitudes for the 2020 general election set for Nov 3. All the major races are close and the poll has a 3.9 percent margin of error, according to David Parker, MSU political scien...
News from Montana Native Vote MONTANA — Montana Native Vote Action Fund is a local, native led statewide political action committee that is working to build native political power across the state. This includes electing Native Americans to state and local office, protecting and expanding ac...
News from Montana Public Radio, Yellowstone Public Radio and Montana Free Press MONTANA — If you’ve turned on the TV in Montana recently, you’ve probably been bombarded with advertisements propping up — or tearing down — candidates for political office. Each contender claim...
News from CSKT PABLO – Shane Morigeau, candidate for state auditor and current state legislator, received a formal endorsement from the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Council. Morigeau, a member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, grew up in Ronan and gra...