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Legislative Notes

Last month the President of the Montana Senate established a select committee on Judicial Oversight and Reform. We were appointed to that committee along with Democrat and Republican legislators and members of the public. Before our first meeting, partisan attacks were leveled at the President and the committee. We have no interest in engaging tit for tat in partisan vitriol, but we do wish to articulate a logical and reasonable case for the importance of the committee. Article 3 of the Montana constitution defines the requirement for balanced government: “The power of the government of this state is divided into three distinct branches—legislative, executive, and judicial. N...

Slices of Life

I read something today that changed my perception of the concept of confidence. It said something along the lines of:  “Confidence can’t be seen or heard. It can’t be created by anyone but you.” I found this profound.  I’ve always believed I lacked confidence....

Valley Views

One headline in the Salt Lake Tribune has stirred up the agricultural community across the West. It proclaims that hamburgers and cows are the culprits behind the droughts, and by eating fewer burgers, Americans could save the environment. Sound familiar? Last spring Ireland made international headlines with...

Slices of Life

It was a serious day in the garden. Various vegetables gathered to witness the much-anticipated criminal fraud case against corn. Corn had filed a countersuit claiming defamation of character and vegetative discrimination. These historic proceedings would hopefully answer the question plaguing the human and ...

Valley Views

With the completion of the poll of the Legislature on whether to override the Governor’s veto of Senate Bill 442, I want to explain my consistent opposition to the bill, including voting against overriding the veto. The bill would have incorporated $16 million in annual expenditures for county roads in...

Slices of Life

Last week, this column touched on the topic of complicated grief. It’s defined as a grief that includes a heightened state of mourning that keeps one from healing.  When you heal from an injury, that injury exists no more. The same can’t be said about grief. Grief never goes away. It neve...

 Legislative Notes  Legislative Notes

A recent University of Montana survey confirms what legislators have been hearing from our constituents: Montanans are seriously concerned about several issues that they say are negatively impacting quality of life.  Among the findings, 90% think that urban sprawl eating up open lands is a problem, 8...

Slices of Life

Life is complicated. I think we can all agree to that.  But beyond life - well, lots of the details are complicated. Relationships. Families. Love. Deciding on the right toothpaste. Which properties to buy in Monopoly. Choosing between The Voice or American Idol. Survivor or The Bachelor. Texas Hold&...

Valley Views

Montana courts are the target of criticism from the political fringes. Recently it has ramped up. Don’t buy it, and I want to explain why.  For what it’s worth, here are my thoughts as a lawyer who practices in courtrooms across Montana. Our Montana courts are in great hands. Montana does...

Valley Views

We Montanans are passionate about wildlife. Doesn’t matter whether you hunt them, photograph them, hike to where you need binoculars just to see them as teeny dots, or just want to know they’re there - our home is special in large part because we share it with cool critters. We’ve heard ...

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