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Valley Views

Fishermen, We’ve been given the gift of early ice fishing even before Thanksgiving. Because of this early cool down, it opens the potential for possibly many of the bays on Flathead Lake to freeze. With the huge amount of forage fish now all over the lake, mostly perch and whitefish, it should draw many of the post spawn lake trout into shallow water.   There are already lake trout showing up in East Bay where there appears to be huge schools of perch.  The problem we’ve been finding is that the small perch are so quick and numerous that the larger perch don’t get a chance to get caught. Right now, the safe ice puts us in about a depth of two and a half ...

Legislative Notes  Legislative Notes

Republican and Democrat caucuses met last week to pick leadership teams for the upcoming legislative session. With the House and Senate being held by Republican super majorities republicans met on the House and Senate floors. Democrats convened in committee rooms.  After weeks of unsuccessfully tryin...

Slices of Life

November is typically gratitude month. It’s a time for us to take stock of and count our blessings, being mindful of them and appreciating all that life has bestowed upon us.  We all know we should practice gratitude every day of the year, but heck, like the song says: one out of twelve ain&rsq...

Legislative Notes

As a fifth-generation Montanan, I didn’t choose Montana — Montana chose me. Over 100 years ago, my great-great-grandmother homesteaded 23 miles east of Conrad and that’s how my family made it to the Last Best Place. And I’ll be forever thankful for that. There is a lot that makes A...

Valley Views Valley Views

If we care about our Indigenous communities, we have to start caring about food sovereignty. Our communities’ health is in crisis. According to new research, “Over 50% of Indigenous people worldwide over the age of 35 have type 2 diabetes. Indigenous peoples suffer from poorer health, are more li...

Valley Views

On Nov. 10, the Lake County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider adopting the newly revised Lakeshore Protection Regulations (LPRs). As citizens commented, it became clear that there appeared to be a lack of understanding of the LPRs, its purpose, how it came about and what it meant for l...

Been there, done that

In our polarized and fragmented times, we appear to have less and less in common. Yet, wherever we live, a good number of universal experiences can bring joy to our lives. Take, for example, a good sunset. How magical is the array of vivid colors splayed across the evening sky as the sun makes its daily desc...

Been there, done that

The Alp connection - a very unique relationship between Montana and Switzerland - persists today. Relationships provide meaning and a way to interpret the world around us. Similarities and differences can introduce people to something new. For example, a hot dog and a hamburger have similarities, but also di...

View from the Library

What a wonderful fall we have had. It looks like winter is going to try to settle in, which is the perfect time to curl up with your favorite cozy blanket, a warm cup of something yummy and a good book. Did you know that we add, on average, 100 books to our collection each month? I’m sure we have somet...

Slices of Life

We are a culture often consumed with the material world. We assess value based on our net worth, which is often decreased by net waste. Time spent amassing wealth is valuable; time spent wasting time is just that. And that could very well lead to a squandered life.  I beg to differ. Sometimes the bes...

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