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Legislative Notes

The United States’s health care system is a mess of complex regulations and layers of bureaucracy. It’s also expensive. But Republicans in the Montana Legislature have made great strides in recent years to address what problems we can at the state level.  We’ve emphasized improving health care by giving Montanans more options, reducing regulations, and giving doctors more freedom to practice medicine. In the 2021 Legislature, for example, we relaxed regulations on tele-health, opening the door for more affordable and convenient visits over the phone or through videoconferencing. That year we also expanded direct patient care allowing doctors to bypass insurance com...

Legislative Note   Legislative           Note

In a recent op-ed published in several newspapers, Montana Democrat minority leaders claimed, “the harm done by a Republican supermajority drunk on power will continue to be felt for a long time.” The Democrat leaders should remember that it was Montana voters who gave Republicans a supermajority...

Legislative Notes

With the weather finally warming up here for spring time, I’ve been spending a lot of time out on my tractor finishing up planting.  Every year, I plant my fields with crops like wheat, barley, peas, and millet. The days are long – Sharla and I start early in the morning and work late unt...

Valley Views

As our more than 9,000 students prepare to receive that honorable Montana diploma from our 173 high schools, I reflect on this past year and look forward to the next. Future graduating classes will have an increase in innovative educational opportunities. I am grateful that the 68th legislature focused on pa...

Legislative NotesTax cheats and the debt dilemma

Americans have always commonly agreed that taxes are the price of a civilized society. Only relatively recently has the idea that “taxation is theft” been seriously suggested in the public discourse. People who claim not to believe in government use that belief as justification to not pay taxe...

Slices of Life

You don’t appreciate your health - until it’s gone. Gosh this is true, and I’ve learned it the hard way a few times in my life - the most recently last Tuesday. I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating (never a good sign). My body ached and I didn’t know it yet, but the he...

Slices of Life

Is it just me, or has life gotten more complicated? So many variables and tough decisions. So many crossroads. And it’s all happening at lightning speed.  Even on days when I don’t tune in to the cable news networks. The world feels like is spinning faster and faster on its axis. Or...

SAFE Banking Act will make Montanans safer

Montanans approved the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in the 2020 election. I didn’t support the initiative, but I accept the will of the people and am devoted to working within the law to benefit all citizens. Following through has not been easy. Federal law still classifies marijua...

Legislative Notes

The 68th Session of the State Legislature has ended, but the harm done by a Republican supermajority drunk on power will continue to be felt for a long time.  From the very beginning of the session, Montana Democrats made it clear that our priority was fighting for long-term solutions for our state&r...

Legislative Notes

The 68th Session of the Montana Legislature is one that every Montanan can be proud of. Voters sent a Republican supermajority to Helena and the first thing we did was return overpaid tax dollars to you as well as providing the largest tax cut in Montana state history.   As Republicans our primary co...

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