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First Lady Gianforte encourages young Montanans in STEM, reading First Lady Gianforte encourages young Montanans in STEM, reading

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — Advancing her initiatives as Montana’s first lady, Susan Gianforte recently traveled to Kalispell and Townsend to recognize the exceptional work of Montanans promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and boosting literacy. “As I thought about causes near to my heart, education stood above the rest,” First Lady Gianforte said. “Every Montana child should have access to the resources they need to learn, grow, and thrive. That’s why I’m focused on promoting STEM education and boosting literacy for young Montanans.” Earlier this month, the first lady ...

How Montana is trying to solve its struggles with teacher pay

MONTANA — Olivia DeJohn laughs as she chalks up having found a classroom she loves so early in her teaching career to serendipity. She teaches second grade at Missoula’s Paxson Elementary School, a job she quips “fell into my lap.” She did her student teaching at Paxson while getting ...

Wilson selected for scholarship Wilson selected for scholarship

News from P.E.O. POLSON — P.E.O., Chapter CA, Polson, received notification of their candidate, Hydee Wilson, has been selected for the 2022-2023 Jane Hammer Holmgren Scholarship (JHHS). The scholarship recognizes an outstanding Montana woman who is pursuing a degree in elementary education. It wa...

Gianforte meets with starting teachers

News from the Office of the Governo r HELENA — Promoting efforts to recruit more educators by increasing starting teacher pay, Governor Greg Gianforte met with two starting teachers at Manhattan High School who are benefiting from higher starting teacher pay through the TEACH Act. “Creatin...

SKC offers 50% reduced tuition, installs new ‘health’ message board SKC offers 50% reduced tuition, installs new ‘health’ message board

PABLO — As the Salish Kootenai College (SKC) opens its doors for another school year, a number of developments have been put in place to enhance student education. This year will see the continuance of the 50% tuition reduction for all students, tribal and non-tribal alike, across all levels from ce...

Grants offered to rural schools for history textbooks Grants offered to rural schools for history textbooks

News from the MT Historical Society MONTANA — Rural school officials can apply for funds to purchase classroom sets of Montana: A History of Our Home, the new fourth-grade student textbook published by the Montana Historical Society. The 96-page textbook offers a quick tour through 13,000 years...

Legislative Notes for Aug. 24, 2022

The start of the 2022-23 school year marks the dawn of new educational opportunities for students across Montana. The Tax Credits for Qualified Education Contributions Program will send its largest ever number of scholarship recipients to high-quality K-12 nonpublic schools this fall. For these students, the...

CSKT statement regarding the passing of Missoula Mayor John Engen

News from the CSKT PABLO — On behalf of the Tribal Council of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, the Tribal Council offers the following statement regarding the death of Missoula’s Mayor, John Engen. Missoula, in the heart of the Selis and Qlispe people’s traditional and a...

Education Department announces college completion fund competition

News from the U.S. Department of Education WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Education (Department) announced the availability of $5 million in funds to support a new College Completion Fund for Postsecondary Student Success. The funding will support grants to Historically Black Colleges a...

Ronan student represents Montana at American Legion Nationals Ronan student represents Montana at American Legion Nationals

News and Photo from American Legion Auxiliary WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leina Ulutoa, Ronan, is one of 100 young women selected to attend the 75th American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Girls Nation session July 23-30 in Washington, D.C. As part of the premier ALA program, two outstanding high school seniors ar...

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