Tuesday, September 5
Wildlife biologist to present at Horsemen meeting
RONAN — Mission Valley Back Country Horsemen will hold their next monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 5, at 7 p.m. at the VFW in Ronan on Round Butte Road. Our program will be presented by Jessica Reyes, wildlife biologist, bear conflict specialist and wildlife service dog specialist of the Wind River Bear Institute. She will give a PowerPoint presentation and bring two of her Karelian bear dogs. The public is welcome.
Wednesday, September 6
Chamber lunch held
POLSON — The Polson Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be held at the KwaTaqNuk from noon to 1 p.m. These luncheons give you access to community leaders, help you promote your business and give you insight into community wide issues.
Free online meditation classes offered
ZOOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes. Please join the Mission Mountain Zen Center on Wednesday, Sept. 6, and on subsequent Wednesdays, for an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku, including meditation instruction, practice and discussion via Zoom. The classes will be each Wednesday from 6-7:30 p.m. Please join us and take advantage of this opportunity. For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 or email at Jerry.Smyers@gmail.com.
Polson City Commission meeting date change
POLSON — The Polson City Commission meets the first and third Mondays of each month (Wednesday, if the Monday falls on a holiday) at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 106 First Street, E. Meetings are open to the public. Monday, Sept. 4, is Labor Day so the Commission will be on Wednesday.
Polson City Commission to meet
POLSON — The Polson City Commission meets the first and third Mondays of each month (Wednesday, if the Monday falls on a holiday) at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 106 First Street, E. Meetings are open to the public. Monday Sept. 4 is Labor Day so the Commission will be on Wednesday.
Tribal Health Harvest Fest to focus on health
ARLEE — CSKT Tribal Health is sponsoring a Harvest Fest focusing on health in Arlee on Wednesday, Sept. 6, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the Community Center on Powwow Road. The event will feature booths with interactive experiences and information on a variety of health topics, including healthy eating, being smoke-free, and maintaining an active lifestyle. Food demonstrations include a dry meat rack and a fermentation station where attendees can follow a recipe and take home a finished product to complete the fermenting process. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Thursday, September 7
Learn about an immigrant from Haiti
POLSON — Joanne and Jim Simpson and the Polson Senior Center will present: “Living in America: An Immigrant Story of Haiti: From Slavery to the 21st Century” by Mr. Turnier Esperance. Turnier will share the unique story of Haiti at The Polson Senior Center, on Thursday, Sept. 7, at 7 p.m. Those interested may also join us via Zoom - email: haitiansportsfoundation@gmail.com for a zoom link.
Pachyderms to meet
POLSON — The Lake County Republican Pachyderm meeting will take place at the Polson Rural Fire Dept., 25b Regatta Rd. For this one meeting we will be starting at 11:30 a.m. to accommodate the speaker’s schedule.
Our speaker for this Pachyderm meeting will be Don “K” Kaltschmidt, the Montana GOP Chairman. Come to hear what Don K has to say about the state of the GOP and I am sure there will be time for questions.
Friday, September 8
Local goods sold at Polson Farmers Market
POLSON — The Polson Farmer’s Market is open every Friday from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. until October. Located in downtown Polson, 3rd Ave. W, (in front of the Cove Deli) the market offers locally produced fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, cheese, eggs, honey, jams & jellies, baked goods, bedding plants, jewelry, photography, art, pottery, and many more unique craft items.
Tuesday, September 12
LCCOA in Ronan site of Transportation Advisory Committee meeting
RONAN — The Lake County Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) will meet at 2 p.m. on Sept. 12 at Lake County Council on Aging in Ronan to discuss FY25 - 5310 MDT van/bus purchases for Lake County organizations and any amendments to Lake County Coordination Plan. Public and interested parties welcome.
Wednesday, September 13
Free online meditation classes offered
ZOOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes. Please join the Mission Mountain Zen Center on Wednesday, Sept. 13, and on subsequent Wednesdays, for an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku, including meditation instruction, practice and discussion via Zoom. The classes will be each Wednesday from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 or email at Jerry.Smyers@gmail.com.
Reserve spot in Mario Kart Tourney
POLSON — On Wednesday, Sept. 13, starting at 12:30 p.m. join the North Lake County Public Library for an awesome Mario Kart Tournament on the library’s Nintendo Switch. This program is geared toward ages 7-10, with a cap of eight contestants. Call the library at 406-883-8225 to reserve your spot today. Thanks to The Greater Polson Community Foundation for providing our Nintendo Switch.
Thursday, September 14
Enjoy Ronan’s Farmer’s Market
RONAN — Every Thursday through Oct. 12, enjoy the Ronan Farmer’s Market from 3:30-6:30 p.m. at the Ronan Visitor’s Center on Highway 93.
Friday, September 15
Local goods sold at Polson Farmers Market
POLSON — The Polson Farmer’s Market is open every Friday from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. until October. Located in downtown Polson, 3rd Ave. W, (in front of the Cove Deli) the market offers locally produced fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, cheese, eggs, honey, jams & jellies, baked goods, bedding plants, perennials, shrubs, veggie & herb starts, hanging baskets, cut flowers, soaps, skin care products, wood working products, jewelry, photography, art, pottery, and many more unique craft items.
Local goods sold at Polson Farmers Market
POLSON — Due to limited staffing, the North Lake County Public Library will close at 5:30 p.m. on Fridays.
MSU presents Caregiver Respite Retreat
POLSON — MSU Lake County Extension office is partnering with MSU Healthy Aging Department to host a Caregiver Respite Retreat on Friday, Sept. 15, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. This is a free event, lunch is included, and participants will receive a $50 Visa gift card. This retreat is for all those wonderful folks who have stepped into the role as caregiver (fulltime or part-time). Registration is required; call 406-676-4271.
St. Luke hosts annual Foundation Dinner
RONAN – The St. Luke Community Healthcare Foundation hosts their annual fundraiser dinner on Friday, Sept. 15. Live and silent auctions accompany a fine dining experience. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of an in-house MRI machine. Call 406-528-5218 to make reservations.
Saturday, September 16
Family-friendly Harvest Festival held
RONAN — Spend the day enjoying a farmers market, craft fair, petting zoo, bounce house, games, food, beer and live music. Come hang out with your local community from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. behind the Ronan Visitor’s Center and Glacier Bank.
FWP to hold Women’s Warden Workshop
HELENA — Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ Law Enforcement Division will hold its first ever Women’s Warden Workshop on Sept. 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Montana WILD in Helena. The workshop is open to anyone 16 years or older who is interested in becoming a warden. Registration is not required.
The workshop will cover topics including: a day in the life of a warden; how to become a warden; opportunities to meet FWP’s female wardens; case presentations; mock investigations; and ride-along opportunities. Anyone who is interested in the warden profession but cannot attend the workshop can contact Warden Brooke Shelley at: brjohnson@mt.gov.
FWP’s Law Enforcement Division provides conservation law enforcement services to the people of Montana to help steward and protect Montana’s Fish, Wildlife, Parks and outdoor recreation resources. For more information about the division, go to fwp.mt.gov/aboutfwp/enforcement.
Join Life Savers Animal Rescue BBQ
RONAN — You are invited along with your LSAR dogs to our second annual adopter, foster and supporter appreciation gathering. Join the celebration of everyone that helps make our rescue such a success on Sept. 16 from noon to 3 p.m. at Ronan City Park Pavilion, located on Eisenhower Street and 4th Ave. In addition to the barbecue there will be giveaways, a raffle basket, LSAR merchandise and dogs.
Play in Toys for Tots Golf Tourney
POLSON — The 8th annual Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots 4-person Golf Scramble, presented by Marine Corps League #1041, will take place at the Polson Bay Golf Course on Saturday, Sept. 16. This tournament is open to the public. Course season pass holders pay $50 entry fee and non-course pass holders pay $60. Deadline for all entries is Wednesday, Sept. 13. For more information call 406-249-2250 or the Polson Bay Golf Course at 406-883-8238.
Sunday, September 17
Lake County Democrats hold picnic
POLSON — Picnic in the park on Sunday, Sept. 17, at 4 p.m. with Lake County Democrats. It’s a Jambalaya Labor Day Celebration. We’ll provide Jambalaya with rice, rolls, lemonade and water, you bring your side dishes and chairs. BYOB. There will be a quilt raffle and drawing. Join us a Boettcher Park, Shelter No. 2.