Valley Journal
Valley Journal

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Ongoing Events

‘Park After Dark’ winter hike offered at Lone Pine State Park

KALISPELL — On Wednesday, Feb. 16, from  7:30-9 p.m. experience Lone Pine State Park on a wintery night on this full moon hike. Moon views vary depending on cloud cover, but you’re guaranteed a nighttime adventure that experiences the park after hours. Be sure to dress for the weather. Trails are typically icy at this time of year, so wear micro spikes like Yaktrax if there’s snow on the ground. We’ll have snowshoes available if needed. Please bring a flashlight or headlamp. Call the visitor center at 406-755-2706, ext. 0, to register, as space is limited. Cost is $4 per hiker ($8 entry fee for non-resident vehicles).


‘Prepare to be Bear Aware’ education class offered at Lone Pine



KALISPELL — On Saturday, March 16, at 10 a.m. at Lone Pine State Park Visitor Center, you can learn safety tips and tools to keep people safe and bears wild as they emerge from their dens this spring. Join us as we share practical strategies designed to minimize bear-human conflicts and promote coexistence. From securing garbage bins to proper food storage techniques, we will share provide invaluable insights into creating bear-resistant environments. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and take action for the well-being of all. Registration is required as space is limited. There is no charge for this program. ($8 park entry fee still applies to out-of-state vehicles). For more information visit: or call 406-755-2706


Arlee to hold free screening clinic

ARLEE — A free Developmental and Preschool Screening Clinic for children ages 0 to 5 for Arlee School District will be held on Oct. 29, 2024, from 9 a.m.–11:30 a.m. at Arlee Elementary School. This free screening will include gross motor, fine motor, language concepts, communication concepts, communication skills, hearing and vision screening. 

Call 406-726-3216 to schedule an appointment for your child’s screening or to receive more information.

Attend ‘Here Comes the Sun’ Concert

POLSON — The Polson Fairground Amphitheatre is the site of the “Here Comes the Sun” concert. This concert celebrates the sounds and songs of the Beatles at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 29. Bring lawn chairs or blankets. Food trucks will be on site at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 each.


Country Jam, dances cancelled

POLSON — Our Classic Country Jammin’ scheduled for April 5, at the Elks Ballroom in Polson is cancelled until further notice. Wednesday night dances at the Elks’ ballroom in Polson are also cancelled until further notice. We pray that everyone is staying home and being safe. We do have to go out for essentials and that is okay. Lake City Bakery, McDonalds and Burgerville are open in Polson for take outs. We are all in this together and need to help each other wherever we can, physically or financially. Please encourage one another and we will all get through this. Don’t be prideful and not ask for help, if you really need it. This hardship we are going through may take a little time but if we all work together and for each other, it will pass. We hope to see you all again very soon.

Donation day planned at library

POLSON —Friends of the Library will hold their donation day on Nov. 2 for the month of November. You can donate up to two boxes of books per donation. Please make sure they are in good, clean condition. Visit: and go to the “about us” tab and choose material donation policy for specific details.


Experience ‘Lights under the Big Sky’

RONAN — On Saturday, Dec. 11, “Lights Under the Big Sky” will provide fun and entertainment for residents of the Mission Valley at the Ronan Fairgrounds from 5-9 p.m. There will be holiday lights displays; family activities and Santa.


Faith Lutheran to hold Advent, Christmas Eve services

RONAN - Faith Lutheran Church, 406 5th Ave. SW, will hold Advent services on Wednesdays, Dec. 4, 11, and 18, at 7 p.m. and a Christmas Candlelight service on Dec. 24, at 4 p.m.


Wednesday, April 10

Join ‘Mending Broken Hearts’ - Native American Grief Recovery Course


POLSON — Adult (18+) and youth (13-17) tracks will be held April 10,17 & 24 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Talking circles to build community and trust during dialogue. Located at the Fun and Fancy Learning Center. Meals and childcare will be provided. You must attend all 3 talking circles to be eligible to attend the KwaTaqNuk Retreat held Friday-Sunday, April 26-28. Sessions help develop the capacity of individuals and communities to heal from unresolved grief and the losses created by the legacy of historical and intergenerational trauma. Register at: 


Learn to meditate


ZOOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes. Please join the Mission Mountain Zen Center on Wednesdays, for an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku, including meditation instruction, practice and discussion via Zoom. The classes will be each Wednesday from 6-7:30 pm. 

For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 .

Tobacco Prevention presentation provided


PABLO — The Johnny Arlee and Victor Charlo Theater on the campus of SKC will be the site of a free presentation for SKC students, staff and the community. 

The event takes place on Wednesday, April 10 at 6 p.m. The presenter will be Daniel Amen who will talk about his journey leading up to and following a double-lung transplant due to a vaping related injury at age 16.


Virtual rockhounding program offered


ZOOM — The MLN Virtual Programming Series will present “Rockhounding” with Neil Maier from the Hellgate Mineral Society. You can register at:


Thursday, April 11

CSKT Ag Producer Summit held in Polson


POLSON — On Thursday, April 11, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at the KwaTaqNuk Resort, the CSKT Producer Summit will take place. Registration is required by April 5. Topics include: regenerative grazing practices, irrigation efficiency options, alternative forages for feeding and more. For more information call Patrick Mangan, at MSU Extension office at 406-210-9843 or go to: 

Join Story Time at the library


POLSON — Story Time begins at 10 a.m. at the North Lake County Public Library. Guest speaker Havilah Burton will discuss food during this session. Story Time is geared toward kindergarten readiness, ages 3-5, but everyone is welcome. We read books, make crafts, and play games. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to join in this interactive program. 

Friday, April 12

Pachyderms to meet in Polson (note change of date)


POLSON — The Lake County Pachyderms will meet at the Polson Rural Fire Station, 25 Regatta Road, at noon on Friday, April 12. Fire Chief Will Woodger will speak to the group about fire prevention both inside and outside of your home. He will explain what you can do to proactively prevent fires around your house. With the recent active fire years, citizens should do whatever they can to help prevent fires around their homes as a benefit to themselves, their neighbors, and the fire fighters.


Saturday, April 13

Join Lone Pine’s Spring Scavenger Hunt


KALISPELL — On April 13, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. you can embrace the beauty of Montana’s spring at Lone Pine’s Spring Scavenger Hunt. As the snow melts away and nature begins to come alive with fresh blooms and greenery, join us for an adventure through the park’s picturesque landscapes. Pick up your Hunt Clues at the Visitor Center between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. (different versions for different ages), then explore the park’s landscapes to complete your quest before closing time for a chance to win a prize. Event is free and no registration is required. Nonresident vehicle entry fee of $8 will still apply.


Seed Giveaway takes place at library


POLSON — The North Lake County Public Library is partnering with the Lake County Conservation District to hold a Seed Giveaway and Education Program on Saturday, April 13, from 1-3 p.m. Beth Waterbury will discuss “Monarchs & Milkweed” at l:15 p.m. At 2:15 p.m. information about basic gardening and pollinators will take place and the seed giveaway is at 3 p.m.

Walk to view wildflowers


BIGFORK — On Saturday, April 13, Wayfarers Unit of Flathead Lake State Park will hold a wildflower walk. Meet at the Ranger Station; the walk goes from 10-11:30 a.m. 

Come learn about the different species of vibrant flowers that grow each spring and summer in our Flathead Lake State Parks. 

Please bring/wear weather appropriate clothing, proper footwear, snacks, and a water bottle. These hikes are limited to 20 people and registration can be done by calling the ranger station at 406-837-3041 ext. 0. 

The cost is $4 per participant, and free for kids 12 and under.

Sunday, April 14

Sunday with Camo


KALISPELL — Join us on Sunday, April 14, for Sundays with Camo, an exploration into the world of our resident bull snake, Camo. Discover the unique characteristics and behaviors of these slithery inhabitants as we observe Camo and witness him enjoy his weekly meal, offering a glimpse into the life of these misunderstood creatures. No registration required for this drop-in program.


Tuesday, April 16

Learn about computer file management


POLSON — Are you tired of sifting through endless digital clutter? Do you struggle to find important files when you need them most? On Tuesday, April 16, from 2-3 p.m. at the North Lake County Public Library learn how to better manage your computer files, practices that will significantly improve the security of your digital assests. 

Learn all about choosing health


POLSON — Families First and the Mission Valley Youth Foundation will show students in grades 6-8 how to cook, set healthy goals and play fun games in an after-school class in Mrs. Dunford’s room. Food, fun and fitness will take place from 3:45-5:15 p.m. on six Tuesdays. Sign up at the office. Spots are limited.

Training held on responding to sexual assault


PABLO — On Tuesday, April 16, at Salish Kootenai College from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. “Responding to Sexual Assault: A Community Training” will take place. This training is for criminal justice and community agencies who work with, serve, and provide services to victims of sexual assault. Online registration at: or visit: 

For more information contact or call 406-444-5296.

Wednesday, April 17

Learn to meditate


OOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes on Wednesdays, with an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku via Zoom. The classes will be each Wednesday from 6-7:30 pm. 

For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 .


TAG to make ‘Rainy Day Art’


POLSON — The North Lake County Public Library’s TAG (Teen Advisory Group) will make some Rainy Day Art on the sidewalks around the library at 12:30 p.m. on April 17.


Thursday, April 18

Come to the ‘Navigating the Road to Life Transition Fair’


POLSON — On Thursday, April 18, from 8:30-2 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club this event is to bring together anyone who has a disability, is a guardian/caretaker, and the agencies who serve them. This is open to students, parents, community, agencies, colleges and more. 

For registration and further information email Kris Kelly or 406-883-6351 x 206.

Donate Books at the library


POLSON— Book Donation Day has arrived. You are welcome to bring donations that day from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. There is a limit of two boxes at a time. Our Friends of the Library have taken over management of our donation program and have set the third Thursday of each month as “Donation Day.”  

Please refer to our Materials Donation Policy on our website for more information. 

Join Story Time at the library


POLSON — Story Time begins at 10 a.m. at the North Lake County Public Library. Guest musician will be Rachel Veelle during this session.

 Story Time is geared toward kindergarten readiness, ages 3-5, but everyone is welcome. We read books, make crafts, and play games. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to join in this interactive program. 


SPLASH in Polson


POLSON — The Polson Chamber of Commerce is excited to cohost SPLASH (Support Polson Late Afternoon Social Hour) with St. Luke Community Clinic on April 18, at 5 p.m., located at 104 Rufus Lane. Join us at SPLASH for appetizers, drinks, and a prize drawing.


Friday, April 19

Fun to be had at 32nd annual Cowboy Ball


POLSON — No-host cocktails and a silent auction begin at 5:30 on Friday, April 19, to start off the annual Cowboy Ball. A prime rib dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. along with a live auction at 7:30 p.m. The evening ends with dancing to sho down following the live auction. For donations and information call 406-883-1100. Tickets are $75 each and sold at 219 Main in Polson, Muley Bluz in Ronan, from any fair board member or Mission Mountain Meadows Resort at Lake Mary Ronan.


Join Arlee CDC Teen Art Project


ARLEE — There is still room … High school students in Arlee are invited to join the Teen Art Project (TAP) sponsored by the Arlee Community Development Corporation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Missoula Art Museum. Students will meet at the Arlee CDC on Fridays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. from April 19 to June 20 to collaborate on creating public artwork. The program is free for Arlee teens, with pizza and art materials provided at each session. To register or for more information, call 406-726-5550 or email Cameron Decker at:

Register to join Arlee Teen Art Project


ARLEE — High school students in Arlee are invited to join the Teen Art Project (TAP) sponsored by the Arlee Community Development Corporation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Missoula Art Museum. Students will meet at the Arlee CDC on Fridays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. from April 19 to June 20 to collaborate on creating public artwork. 

The program is free for Arlee teens, with pizza and art materials provided at each session. To register or for more information, call 406-726-5550 or email Cameron Decker at:


Saturday, April 20

Join the Flathead Lake Trail Project


BIGFORK — On April 20, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at the West Shore Unit of Flathead Lake State Park we are calling for volunteers in our first public trail project of the 2024 season. Volunteers will assist with the scarification and revegetation of trails in the state park to encourage visitors to stay on the main trails. In the process, participants will learn how to maintain trails to prevent degradation from happening in the future. Volunteers will need sturdy closed toed shoes, long pants, weather appropriate clothing, water, and snacks. The suggested age to participate is 12 and older. Space is limited to 20-30 volunteers to avoid overcrowding the park trails, so please register to attend this event by calling the Flathead Lake Ranger Station at 406-837-3041, or email:


MV Choral Society presents a Spring Concert Weekend


ST. IGNATIUS — Mission Valley Choral Society’s Spring Concert Weekend begins with a concert at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 20, at the St. Ignatius Mission. 

The 30-plus voice community choir, directed by Cathy Gillhouse, will present an 11-piece program that includes classical, contemporary sacred, spiritual, gospel, barbershop and American folk songs. The choir, which has existed in the county since the 1960s, brings a diverse group together united to bring joy through music. The concert is free and open to all. A free-will offering will be taken on Saturday to help the choir with music expenses. Information is available on the MVCS web site: or Facebook page. Direct contact can be made by calling 406-261-3304 or 406-260-6103. 


Pheasants Forever annual banquet held


RONAN — The annual Pheasants Forever banquet will be held at 5 p.m. at the Ronan Community Center, 300 Third Ave. NW. Tickets are $60, which includes an annual PF membership, a meal ticket and $20 in free raffle tickets. Couple tickets are $85 and youth tickets are $10. For tickets go to:


Sunday, April 21

Mission Valley Choral Society presents second concert


POLSON — Mission Valley Choral Society’s Spring Concert Weekend begins present a concert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 21, in Polson at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. The concert is free and open to all. The Sunday free-will offering and ham and scalloped potatoes meal served following the concert will benefit Helping Hands of Mission Valley. Information is available on the MVCS web site: or Facebook page or by calling 406-261-3304.


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