Valley Journal
Valley Journal

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Ongoing Events

‘Park After Dark’ winter hike offered at Lone Pine State Park

KALISPELL — On Wednesday, Feb. 16, from  7:30-9 p.m. experience Lone Pine State Park on a wintery night on this full moon hike. Moon views vary depending on cloud cover, but you’re guaranteed a nighttime adventure that experiences the park after hours. Be sure to dress for the weather. Trails are typically icy at this time of year, so wear micro spikes like Yaktrax if there’s snow on the ground. We’ll have snowshoes available if needed. Please bring a flashlight or headlamp. Call the visitor center at 406-755-2706, ext. 0, to register, as space is limited. Cost is $4 per hiker ($8 entry fee for non-resident vehicles).


‘Prepare to be Bear Aware’ education class offered at Lone Pine



KALISPELL — On Saturday, March 16, at 10 a.m. at Lone Pine State Park Visitor Center, you can learn safety tips and tools to keep people safe and bears wild as they emerge from their dens this spring. Join us as we share practical strategies designed to minimize bear-human conflicts and promote coexistence. From securing garbage bins to proper food storage techniques, we will share provide invaluable insights into creating bear-resistant environments. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and take action for the well-being of all. Registration is required as space is limited. There is no charge for this program. ($8 park entry fee still applies to out-of-state vehicles). For more information visit: or call 406-755-2706


Arlee to hold free screening clinic

ARLEE — A free Developmental and Preschool Screening Clinic for children ages 0 to 5 for Arlee School District will be held on Oct. 29, 2024, from 9 a.m.–11:30 a.m. at Arlee Elementary School. This free screening will include gross motor, fine motor, language concepts, communication concepts, communication skills, hearing and vision screening. 

Call 406-726-3216 to schedule an appointment for your child’s screening or to receive more information.

Attend ‘Here Comes the Sun’ Concert

POLSON — The Polson Fairground Amphitheatre is the site of the “Here Comes the Sun” concert. This concert celebrates the sounds and songs of the Beatles at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 29. Bring lawn chairs or blankets. Food trucks will be on site at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 each.


Country Jam, dances cancelled

POLSON — Our Classic Country Jammin’ scheduled for April 5, at the Elks Ballroom in Polson is cancelled until further notice. Wednesday night dances at the Elks’ ballroom in Polson are also cancelled until further notice. We pray that everyone is staying home and being safe. We do have to go out for essentials and that is okay. Lake City Bakery, McDonalds and Burgerville are open in Polson for take outs. We are all in this together and need to help each other wherever we can, physically or financially. Please encourage one another and we will all get through this. Don’t be prideful and not ask for help, if you really need it. This hardship we are going through may take a little time but if we all work together and for each other, it will pass. We hope to see you all again very soon.

Donation day planned at library

POLSON —Friends of the Library will hold their donation day on Nov. 2 for the month of November. You can donate up to two boxes of books per donation. Please make sure they are in good, clean condition. Visit: and go to the “about us” tab and choose material donation policy for specific details.


Experience ‘Lights under the Big Sky’

RONAN — On Saturday, Dec. 11, “Lights Under the Big Sky” will provide fun and entertainment for residents of the Mission Valley at the Ronan Fairgrounds from 5-9 p.m. There will be holiday lights displays; family activities and Santa.


Faith Lutheran to hold Advent, Christmas Eve services

RONAN - Faith Lutheran Church, 406 5th Ave. SW, will hold Advent services on Wednesdays, Dec. 4, 11, and 18, at 7 p.m. and a Christmas Candlelight service on Dec. 24, at 4 p.m.


Sunday, October 9

Cornhole tourney held


NINEPIPES — We are going to have a Mission Valley School Spirit Cornhole Tourney on Sunday, Oct. 9, starting at noon here at the Pipes (Allentown Restaurant). We will pay out 1st and 2nd place winners and the winners get to decide which Mission Valley school(s) general athletic fund gets the remaining proceeds. Here’s the catch: you must come in your school colors and it’s blind draw. This is going to be a fun one. Prizes will be awarded for best school spirit, best trash talker, MVP, WVP and we will be having some mini competitions in between games for other prizes. $25 per player and must be paid to enter. Call 406-644-2588 to sign up. Share with your friends. This challenge goes to all school coaches and administrators.

Free cooking classes offered


ARLEE — The Arlee Community Development Corporation is sponsoring three free cooking classes on Oct. 9, 16 and 23 from 3-5 p.m. at the Arlee Indian Senior Center. These classes will focus on shopping and menu planning, knife skills, and sauce making. Take all three and get a free set of kitchen tools. Space is limited, so reserve your seat today by calling 406-726-5550 or email: 

Monday, October 10

Library closed for staff development


POLSON — The North Lake County Public Library will be closed on Monday, Oct. 10, for our Staff Development Day. We will reopen Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 9 a.m. for our regular hours.


Wednesday, October 12

Cancer support group meets twice montly


POLSON —A Cancer Support Group for anyone a?ected by cancer meets twice monthly at St. Joseph Medical Center from noon-1 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Gatherings are informal allowing folks to drop-in when schedules and life permits. Brown-bag lunches are welcome. The group will meet in the Leahy Conference Room on the third floor of the medical center. For more information call 406-261-3304. The group welcomes those recently diagnosed, those undergoing treatment, cancer survivors, and/or family members. 




Read with Riley


POLSON —  Join PAWsitive Reading Partners at North Lake County Public Library and read with Riley the reading dog for 15 minutes on Wednesday from 3-4 p.m. Registration is required. Sign up for your slot at the library. 


Thursday, October 13

Bible Story Time for children planned


On Thursday, Oct. 13 The Bible Story Time meets for its first night from 6:30 -7 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club. The six-week nondenominational class will explore Old Testament stories in fun, exciting ways with lively songs and art projects. Class will be taught by volunteers from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Parents will be required to attend the first night to fill out registration information for their 1st through 5th graders. Registration materials are also available at the Boys & Girls Club main desk. Students do not have to be attending the Boys & Girls Club as this class is outside of B&G Club programming. For further information contact Connie (406) 261-2389

Final Ronan Farmers Market held


RONAN — The Ronan Farmers Market will hold its final Farmers Market on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 4-7 p.m. at the Ronan Visitors’ Center on Highway 93. You can shop online at: and pre-order and pre-pay, or go visit the market to see everything local vendors have to offer.

Masumola Club to meet


POLSON — Mike and Jane Mitchell and Mac and Karen Swan will host the Friday, Oct. 13, dinner at the Masumola Club. The evening begins at 5:45 p.m. with a social hour. Hosts will provide pork tenderloin and food suggestions are: A-H: salad or veggie; I-O: hot dish; P-Z: dessert. The evening includes dinner, a short business meeting and a program by North Lake County Public Library.


Story time takes place at library


POLSON — Thursdays at 9:15 a.m. at the North Lake County Public Library Story Time takes place. Join us to read books, make crafts and play games with your little ones! This program is geared for Kindergarten readiness ages 3-5, but everyone is welcome. The theme for Oct. 13 is autumn.

Friday, October 14

Final Polson Farmers Market held


POLSON — The Polson Farmers Market, downtown at Third Ave. W (in front of the Cove Deli), is open from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. this Friday for for the final time until next year. 


Join Lake County Republican Women’s Club


POLSON — Join the Lake County Republican Women’s Club for a Meet/Greet Fundraiser for Montana Supreme Court candidate, James Brown, on Friday, Oct. 13, from 3-5 p.m. at the Lake County Republican Headquarter, 1102 Fourth Ave. Wine and appetizers will be served.






Open mic night at Musician's Co-op


Friday Night Open Mic at the Western Montana Musicians Co-op The Red Poppy Building 1 Eisenhower St SW Ronan 7 pm - 9 pm Hosted by Mark & Krysti Whether you’re a musician, performer, poet, comedian or just love live music Stop by tonight and check out our talented members! We'd love to see ya! Check in when you arrive to sign up to play/perform. We are a member-based, member-funded cooperative. Friday Night Open Mic is free, however, for non-members donations are gratefully accepted and appreciated! For more information: 406-290-3549

Special Olympics basketball needs help


RONAN — Special Olympics Five Valleys Area will host the second annual Alex Braun Memorial Basketball Tournament at Ronan High School’s Event Center Gym from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Volunteers are badly needed.For more information, please email Lindsey Campbell at: or call her at 406-304-4034.

Sunday, October 16

Free cooking classes offered


ARLEE — The Arlee Community Development Corporation is sponsoring three free cooking classes on Oct. 16 and 23 from 3-5 p.m. at the Arlee Indian Senior Center. 

These classes will focus on shopping and menu planning, knife skills, and sauce making. 

Space is limited, so reserve your seat today by calling 406-726-5550 or email: 


Monday, October 17

Mondays mean Mother Goose


POLSON — Join us at 9:15 a.m. at the North Lake County Public Library. Mother Goose is geared toward ages 0 to 3, but all are welcome.  

We encourage parents & caregivers to participate with their children for this early learning time. The doors open at 9 a.m.


Tuesday, October 18

Good Shepherd annual harvest take-out dinner planned


POSLON — The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will hold its 52nd Annual Harvest Dinner on Tuesday, Oct. 18 for takeout only. 

Meal consists of Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes/gravy, green beans, coleslaw, a roll and pumpkin pie. 

Please call in ahead at 406-883-5864 to place order. Dinners may be picked up between 4 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18. 

Dinner is $12 each. 

Homemade Lefse will be available for sale as well. 

It is the desire of Good Shepherd to keep prices reasonable because this dinner is a mission/outreach of our community and donations are always welcome. 

Dinner proceeds will benefit the Red Cross Montana Disaster Relief and Polson Loaves and Fish Food Pantry.


Wednesday, October 19

Event Needing Approval


Drum Circle at the Western Montana Musicians Co-op The Red Poppy Building 1 Eisenhower St Ronan 7pm - 9 pm Hosted by Doug Ruhman Open to all drummers, percussionists, and lovers of rhythm. Come join in on some beats. All percussion is welcome, including hand drums, kit players, etc. Several drums will be available on site, but feel free to bring your own! We are a member-based, member-funded cooperative. The Drum Circle is free, however, for non-members donations are gratefully accepted and appreciated! For more information: 406-290-3549

Thursday, October 20

Enjoy Chamber SPLASH


POLSON — Chamber SPLASH will be held at St. Luke South Shore Clinic at 5 p.m.

Free QuickBooks Level I workshop held


RONAN —  Mission West Community Development Partners, 407 Main St. SW, is offering a free workshop on QuickBooks Desktop Basic Level I on Thursday, Oct. 20 from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 

Go to: to register.


Participate in Chamber SPLASH


 POLSON — Chamber SPLASH will be held at St. Luke South Shore Clinic at 5 p.m.


Story time takes place at library


POLSON — Thursdays at 9:15 a.m. at the North Lake County Public Library Story Time takes place. Join us to read books, make crafts and play games with your little ones! 

This program is geared for Kindergarten readiness ages 3-5, but everyone is welcome. 

The theme for Oct. 20 is bats.

Saturday, October 22

Earth Day: Election Edition held


COLUMBIA FALLS — On Saturday, Oct. 22, from 1–4 p.m. at Backslope Brewing in Columbia Falls, the Flathead Valley chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is hosting: “Earth Day: Election Edition”. Our goal for “Earth Day: Election Edition” is for attendees to learn about climate concerns, climate-forward solutions and the stated positions of your Montana candidates so voters can cast an informed ballot on Nov. 8. The public is invited to join this free educational event. Forward Montana will assist the public with voter registration and attendees will have the opportunity to plan how they will vote on Nov. 8. Printed climate positions of current candidates will be available and Dr. Annie Bukacek, John Repke, John Lamb, Monica Tranel and Ryan Zinke have been invited to attend and mix with voters. Along with Citizen’s Climate Lobby, several other organizations will be on hand to discuss climate solutions they are promoting.

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