Events with the tag: Polson
Thursday, January 23
Join Julie for ‘Toddler Time’ at library
POLSON — Thursdays, at 10 a.m. will be when the North Lake County Public Library’s new “Toddler Time” takes place. This brand new program will be for 2-3 year old children and is all about movement, where we will read active stories, dance, sing and shake it all about.
Friday, January 24
Learn about homeschooling
POLSON — Come and learn more about homeschooling at the North Lake County Public Library on Friday, Jan. 24, from 1-2:30 p.m. meet other homeschool families, and discuss what the library has to offer the homeschooling community. Youth Librarian Julie will offer a children’s program in the community room.
Mother Goose returns to library
POLSON — Mother Goose Returns to the North Lake County Public Library at a new time. Join us Fridays at 10 a.m. in the Community Room. This is our program for 0-24 month old littles. We will sing songs and have interactive activities for caregivers and their little ones.
Saturday, January 25
Second weekly ‘Story Time’ held
POLSON — On Saturdays at 2 p.m. we are adding a Story Time. This program will have the same theme as the Thursday program.
Hope you can join us for all the fun! The theme for this week will be “snow.”
Thursday, January 30
Library holds ‘Story Time’
POLSON — Story Time is held each Thursday at 2 p.m. Join us to read books, make crafts and play games with your little ones at the North Lake County Public Library. This program is geared for kindergarten readiness ages 3-5. The theme for this week will be “hats.”
Friday, January 31
Fifth Friday Dinner held
POLSON - Polson Community’s Fifth Friday Dinner will be held at the Polson Community Church, 1814 First Street E, on Friday, Jan. 31, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The menu includes soup, roast pork, potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls and of course a multitude of desserts. All are welcome.
Saturday, February 1
Second weekly ‘Story Time’ held
POLSON - On Saturdays at 2 p.m. we are adding a Story Time. This program will have the same theme as the Thursday program. Hope you can join us for all the fun! The theme for this week will be “hats.”
Second weekly ‘Story Time’ held
POLSON - On Saturdays at 2 p.m. we are adding a Story Time at the North Lake County Public Library. This program will have the same theme as the Thursday program. Hope you can join us for all the fun!
Tuesday, February 4
Blood drive held in Polson
POLSON - On Tuesday, Feb. 4, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., in the conference room at the North Lake County Public Library, a blood drive will be held sponsored by Glacier Bank and the American Red Cross. The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood. Call 406-751-4915 with questions.