Events with the tag: Arlee
Saturday, February 22
Arlee’s Rehabilitation Center holds fundraiser
ARLEE - On Feb. 22 at the Missoula Hilton Garden Inn, from 4:30-9 p.m. the 4th annual Gala will be held. Call 406-207-9338 or go to The Arlee Rehab Center holds a summer healing camp, spay/neuter surgeries, dog intakes and adoptions. Help us make a better world with your support.
Monday, February 24
Learn about ‘Full Plate Living’
ARLEE - Tribal Health is offering “Full Plate Living,” a series of classes to help participants lead a healthy lifestyle. Classes include information on meal planning, nutrition, and weight loss, and setting realistic goals for healthy living. Classes will be held Mondays from noon to 1 p.m. starting Jan.13 and continuing for eight weeks at the Arlee Community Development Corporation. Attend seven out of eight sessions to receive a free kitchen gadget. Space is limited to 12 participants, so call Amber at 406-241-5768 to reserve your spot.
Monday, March 3
Learn about ‘Full Plate Living’
ARLEE - Tribal Health is offering “Full Plate Living,” a series of classes to help participants lead a healthy lifestyle. Classes include information on meal planning, nutrition, and weight loss, and setting realistic goals for healthy living. Classes will be held Mondays from noon to 1 p.m. starting Jan.13 and continuing for eight weeks at the Arlee Community Development Corporation. Attend seven out of eight sessions to receive a free kitchen gadget. Space is limited to 12 participants, so call Amber at 406-241-5768 to reserve your spot.
Thursday, March 6
Arlee CDC hosts AI roundtable discussion
ARLEE — The Arlee Community Development Corporation is hosting a roundtable discussion about artificial intelligence on Thursday, March 6, from 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. Roxane Rinard of Developing Wings will lead an informal discussion about the possibilities of AI for your business or your personal life. A free lunch will be provided. Space is limited so reserve your seat today. Call 406-726-5550 or email