Valley Journal
Valley Journal

Articles Written By: Mary Auld

New program provides necessary supplies for students

ARLEE – Navigating homework, friendships and extracurricular activities is a large order for any student but those without stable living situations face even deeper challenges. A new resource at the Arlee School District is intended to provide homeless students with supplies that meet their basic needs...

State health officials raise awareness of rising STD rates State health officials raise awareness of rising STD rates

News from DPHHS State health officials report the upward trend over the past several years of sexually transmitted diseases in Montana are now reaching record highs. Gonorrhea rates have been increasing over the past seven years and are now projected to reach nearly 1,500 cases in 2019. Department of...

New Polson City Commissioners take their seats

POLSON – With the New Year comes new faces on the commission.  Carolyn Pardini was elected to represent ward three, which is the southern and southeastern parts of the city. She was elected over her opponent, Zoerene Gembala, in the November race. Pardini takes the seat vacated by Ian Donovan, ...

Record warm temperatures melt snow across valley Record warm temperatures melt snow across valley

The Mission valley isn’t generally balmy in December, but the record-setting month brought temperatures above average this year.  St. Ignatius recorded 60.88 degrees on December 21. The average temperature for that date is 35 degrees. Kalispell and Missoula broke high-temperature records for De...

Food pantries sustain needy families through winter months Food pantries sustain needy families through winter months

LAKE COUNTY – According to the nonprofit Feeding America, more than 4,000 Lake County residents did not have access to enough food to support a healthy, active life in 2017.  Without nutritious food, people become susceptible to illness and less able to achieve academically and socially, accord...

Census employee recruitment on track

LAKE COUNTY – The U.S. Census has received about half of the needed number of applications needed for census-takers in Lake County. U.S. Census Bureau media specialist Josh Manning said the collected applications put the census process “well on track.”  To date, Manning said the cen...

No small feat No small feat

CHARLO – Five months ago, the idea of local shrimp in the Mission Valley was laughable, but now, the first locally grown shrimp are on the market.  In his backyard, Jim Vaughn has a barn filled with six Walmart swimming pools, five of them teeming with 22,000 living shrimp at various stages of ...

Toys for Tots brings Christmas spirit to local children Toys for Tots brings Christmas spirit to local children

POLSON – Community members in Lake and Sanders Counties helped create happy holiday experiences for local children this year.  Toys for Tots collects toys around the holiday season and distributes them to children who might otherwise not get a gift during the season. The program is a national e...

Lights Under the Big Sky’ light up the night in Ronan Lights Under the Big Sky’ light up the night in Ronan

RONAN – For a few weeks this winter the Ronan Fairgrounds will be transformed into a sparkling holiday wonderland. The third annual Lights Under the Big Sky event started Dec. 13 and continues through this weekend - from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20 and Saturday, Dec. 21. Visitors touring the brig...

Donor gives holiday gift of school lunch debt relief Donor gives holiday gift of school lunch debt relief

POLSON – An anonymous donor gave families the gift of one less bill by paying off the lunch debts of all students at Cherry Valley Elementary School. Principal Rhonda Crowl said the donation came from a retired couple who volunteer at the school. This isn’t the first time these community membe...

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