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NASA workshop, curriculum available for teachers

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News from Montana State University

BOZEMAN – Montana State University is one of four national sites hosting a NASA workshop for teachers on Saturday, April 26.

The workshop, called “The Scale of Discovery,” covers distance, time, size, models, comparative planetology and more as participants learn what it takes to make a NASA mission happen. Attendance at the event, which is presented by NASA’s Discovery and New Frontiers Programs, can earn educators Continuing Education Credits / OPI renewal units.

The workshop takes place from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in MSU Extended University’s interactive classroom EPS 126. Speakers, who will join live and via interactive videoconference, are NASA mission scientists, engineers and education professionals representing the Discovery and New Frontiers missions.

Presenters will share how they collaborate to meet the challenges of complex missions to assure the science goals will be met, and participants will investigate what it takes to move a fantastic idea — like scooping up samples of an asteroid and dropping them back off on Earth for analysis — from dream to reality. 

Participating educators will take home hands-on, standards-aligned science and engineering activities and interactive multimedia appropriate for K-12 and extracurricular educators. They will also receive additional resource materials, including a CD containing mission-designed curriculum and activities for all grade levels, plus posters, bookmarks, stickers and more. 

Registration is $25, which includes lunch and snacks. Register prior to the event at:

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