Polson City Court news for Dec. 9, 2010
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Judge A. Doug Olson dealt with the following cases from Nov. 13 - Dec 3:
James M. Meadow, 35, forfeited a $50 bond for speeding, driving 53 mph in a posted 35 mph zone. He was also charged $35 in court costs.
Lorraine Esther Boyer, 55, pleaded guilty to operating with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent BAC of greater. She was found guilty and fined $300 plus $85 in court costs. Boyer also pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked. She was found guilty, sentenced to two days in jail and fined $250 plus $35 in court costs. Additionally, Boyer pleaded guilty to owner permitting operation of vehicle without liability insurance, first offense. She was found guilty and charged an additional $250 plus $35 in court costs.
Cindy Lee Butterhof, 47, pleaded not guilty to an amended offense of reckless driving, first offense. She was found guilty, sentenced to 90 days in jail with all suspended, and fined $300 plus $35 in court costs.