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New bill would allow some dyed diesel on roadways

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This was a very busy week. The House Education Committee passed charter school legislation out of committee and the discussion on school choice continued on the House floor. A parental choice bill, which would require parents to opt into a school district’s sex education program, was moved forward. A special education savings account bill that would allow parents to utilize facilities and/or personal not found in the local school district is also on the move. A bill to allow more of your driver’s license fee, when purchasing or renewing your driver’s license, to be utilized for driver’s education in high schools was passed through the House.  An amendment that I added to this bill would only allow this money to go for the student’s portion of the fee and not the school district’s portion, in order to make this program more affordable for students. Hopefully, this will put safer and better trained young drivers on the road. Coming up next week is a hearing on the governor’s education budget.

In the agriculture committee, my bill to allow farmers and ranchers to occasionally be on the public roadways with dyed diesel made it out of committee. This bill allows a vehicle designed for agriculture use to be on a public road for repairs or maintenance, to pick up supplies or implements used for agriculture or ranching purposes. Next week, I have a bill to fund the food and agriculture development centers like the one on Main Street in Ronan. This promotes value added production for producers in the Mission Valley.

Rep. Ingraham from Thompson Falls had the most entertaining bill of the week. Some of the senior citizen centers in her district had been curtailed from allowing bingo games. Her bill exempts senior centers from licensure for bingo by the state.

The business and labor committee worked on insurance rate reviews and the allowance of interstate insurance exchanges in order to get some competition in the insurance arena. 

Thank you for the feedback that you are getting to me. My e-mail address is and phone is (406) 253-9724.

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