Local 4-H youth travel to Helena
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4-H members from across the state of Montana gathered in Helena recently to learn more about the legislative process. Traveling from Lake County were members Rafe Fangsrud, Alanna Carlson and Phillip Vaughan. Also attending were leaders Annette Carlson and Amy Vaughan, with MSU Lake County Extension Agent Nori Pearce.
MSU President Waded Cruzado shared her positive experiences with 4-H members and told about her beliefs in the land grant university system, of which 4-H is an important part. Those who attended also enjoyed vignettes from the Montana PBS documentary on 4-H in Montana and listened to more speakers about the legislative process and 4-H in Montana.
The highlight of the trip was the legislative breakfast, when state legislators joined the group. State Sen.Janna Taylor (SD-6) and State Reps. Greg Hertz (HD-11), Nick Schwaderer (HD-14), and Pat Ingraham (HD-13) visited with the Lake County delegation during and after the breakfast.
Following the breakfast, the group toured the state capitol building, learning more about the history of Montana, the legislative process, and some of the people who have been so instrumental in its development.