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Cancer Support Group changes schedule, location
News from Cheerful Heart, Inc.
PABLO — Cheerful Heart’s Cancer Support Group has changed its schedule and location. Currently, Matthew Connolly leads the group that meets from 12 to 1 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. On Nov. 13 the group will meet at St. Joseph Medical Center Chapel.
Starting on Dec.11 and every second and fourth Wednesday thereafter, they will move to the Church of the Nazarene, 42653 Old Highway 93, in Pablo. There will be no gathering on Nov. 27 or Dec. 25. In January the group will return to its regular schedule at the Pablo Church of the Nazarene.
Matthew Connolly is the pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, and invites anyone affected by cancer to join the group.
Cheerful Heart Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit, has provided non-medical services to cancer patients in Lake County since 2002. Those with questions or needs can call 883-3070 or visit the Cheerful Heart web site at www.cheerfulheart.org or email: cheartinc@gmail.com.
Mailing address for the organization is Cheerful Heart, P.O. Box 688, Polson, MT 59860.
Nonprofits invited to annual ‘A Holiday Retreet”
News from Friends of the Lake County Fairgrounds
LAKE COUNTY — Lake County nonprofit businesses are invited to help create a holiday forest scene inside the Ronan Community Center during the annual Lights Under the Big Sky event. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three decorated trees receiving the most votes from the community, $300 for first place, $200 for second place and $100 for third place. Call Dana at 406-240-0640 by Dec. 1 to register your entry. Rules: Any artificial or homemade tree under 8 feet, decorate for family-oriented event, no electric parts, battery operated lights acceptable (you must turn off and on), create 12X12 or small sign with nonprofit’s name, purpose, sign in - set up Dec. 13 10 a.m.-2 p.m., tree removal Dec. 22 - noon-2 p.m. (trees not removed will be donated).