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Democrats encourage diversity, Republicans rubberstamp

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One of my favorite tropes is “Republicans fall in line and Democrats fall in love.” Don Kaltschmidt, Montana Republican Party Chair, in his Missoulian newspaper opinions regularly berates Republicans like Mark Racicot for “not falling in line.” Republicans call these people RINOs, Republicans in Name Only. They don’t want them recognized as being a Republican. The requirement seems to be you must rubberstamp the Republican agenda or you are out. 

At a recent Republican gathering, a prominent conservative Republican stated soon the Montana Republicans will have removed all the moderate Republicans from their party. I guess if you don’t fall in line, you get kicked out of the line. 

Jana Taylor’s opinion letter (August 28) wrote in local newspaper, only Democrats rubberstamp their agenda. If that is the case why don’t Democrats have DINOs. Could it be we accept and encourage diversity in our party? Republicans seem to project their own faults, lies and weaknesses onto others. 

Suz Rittenhouse 



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