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Access God’s love to combat fear, hate

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During these times of great stress and confusion, we are hearing and seeing much fear and hate being demonstrated.

My spiritual teachings have taught me that each one of us has within us the power of God’s love available for access and action. When a situation presents itself to me where my immediate response is something negative like fear, anger or attack, that is my signal to access my God-given love. 

I don’t need to ask or beg for God’s help. That help has already been His gift to me. God does not make choices on this or that. As humans we make all the choices. God is not some sort of judge. Making judgments between right or wrong, good or bad, is up to me as part of my human learning experience. God is pure love. 

All we have to do is be willing to allow His love to heal our pain and suffering. His love expresses through each of us in appropriate ways. God’s love is always within each of us just waiting to be expressed.

Bob McClellan


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