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Democrats wrap up listening tour

Public meetings held across Montana for input and support in creating next year’s legislative agenda

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News from the MT Democratic Party

HELENA — Saying that democracy means listening to people, Montana Democrats recently completed a series of well-publicized, open public meetings in 13 different towns and rural communities across Montana to receive input directly from citizens about how their government can better serve them and help create opportunities for their families and businesses.

“Montanans deserve the chance to meet their legislators face-to-face to discuss issues important to them, their families, and their communities,” said Representative Mary Caferro, D-Helena. “We’ll take what we heard—about property taxes, continuing expanded Medicaid, privacy, and many other issues—and turn those ideas into constructive legislation to help improve the lives of Montanans.”

The Democrats’ listening sessions were held statewide, zigzagging 12,111 miles into Montana’s towns and small communities. Legislators prioritized listening to residents, upholding the basics of representative democracy: Putting Montanans First.

“What we heard is that rather than showy gimmicks, Montanans want direct, straight-up ideas that focus on bettering their lives, helping their families, and creating good-paying jobs,” said Senate Democratic Leader Pat Flowers. “Whether tackling rising property taxes, protecting personal privacy and health care, or finding childcare, Montanans shared stories and their hope that state government will get back to basics and focus on what’s more important - helping folks create a better life for themselves and their children.”

Unlike the closed-door meetings Republicans reserve for their wealthy and well-connected donors and lobbyists, Democrats prioritize holding open, public meetings that everyone can attend. Democrats celebrated their listening tour as part of Montana’s long, important tradition of elected officials meeting with their constituents to hear their concerns and ideas; while elected Republicans are refusing to meet with citizens in public; instead holding invite-only gatherings.

Democrats pledged to hold more open public meetings throughout the state in the coming months. 

“By visiting communities throughout the state, listening to people, and showing them respect, we want to work together to make a better future for Montana,” said Sheila Hogan, Executive Director of the Montana Democratic Party. “We look forward to continuing to hear from Montanans.”

The most important goal remains the same: creating a government that works for and prioritizes Montanans. “It’s time to get things done. We’re taking what we’ve heard from Montanans and turning those ideas into action items for the next legislative session,” added Senator Flowers. “We’re focusing on how our communities can remain great places to live and work by making sure taxes are fair, respecting an individual’s freedom, and bringing down housing prices.”

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