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Shannon O’Brien is change Montana’s education system needs

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As a parent, grandparent, and advocate for public education, I am urging you to support Shannon O’Brien for Superintendent of Schools. Shannon is the only candidate who can bring the change we desperately need to support our teachers, parents, and students.

Under Elsie Arntzen’s leadership, Montana’s education system has suffered. Our state ranks last in teacher pay, contributing to a severe teacher shortage. Susie Hedalen, Shannon’s opponent, served as Elsie’s deputy and is complicit in this failure. We cannot afford more of the same ineffective leadership. They have not respected our public schools, our teachers, parents, and children. They have made things worse. It’s time for a change.

Consider the facts:

Over half of our students are not proficient in math and reading.

The teacher shortage is a crisis, with over 1,000 unfilled teaching positions last year. Shannon has the experience to address it. 

Susie wants to maintain or revert to failed policies, exacerbating the mess created by her former boss.

The Office of Public Instruction, with Susie as  Elsie’s Deputy, has been decimated and fails to meet basic responsibilities, leaving our educators unsupported.

Many first-year teachers are quitting the profession.

A recent survey showed that 25% of Montana high school students have seriously considered suicide in the past 12 months and 15% made an attempt.

Shannon has a diverse background in public education, from K-12 to college to state-level policymaking. She has served as a classroom teacher, school administrator, basketball coach, education policy advisor to Governor Bullock, Dean of Missoula College at the University of Montana, as a state senator, and legislative leader on education committees. Her extensive experience equips her with the knowledge, expertise, and perspective necessary to effectively lead our public schools.

Montana’s public education system needs change.  Shannon’s opponent wants to continue the failed policies of her former boss. We need new leadership that will collaborate with legislators, school leaders, and citizens to address the critical issues facing our schools. Shannon has a proven record of educational leadership that unites people to find solutions. She has dedicated her life to education and has the leadership skills to enact meaningful change. Shannon has a proven track record of working across party lines to get things done.  As a state senator, Shannon has demonstrated the ability and willingness to work across the aisle to support our schools.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the quality of education has transcended beyond being a mere local concern. It has now emerged as a pivotal issue of national significance, intertwining with the very fabric of our country’s future, security, and global standing. As we witness the intensifying competition on the world stage, particularly with formidable powers like China, the necessity of a robust education system becomes ever more pronounced. Quality education is not just about individual success; it is a strategic imperative crucial to our nation’s ability to compete and thrive in a global economy. 

Our children, the future stewards of our democracy, must be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities that will enable them to navigate and excel in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. The foundation of a strong and prosperous society lies in the education we provide to our youth. It is through education that we cultivate innovation, foster economic growth, and sustain our democratic values.

China’s relentless focus on education and technological advancement serves as a stark reminder of the global race for supremacy in knowledge and innovation. To maintain our competitive edge and secure our nation’s future, we must prioritize and invest in the education of our children. We cannot continue the failed policies of Elsie Arntzen.  We must bring change to public education in Montana. Shannon O’Brien is the only candidate who can and will bring that change. 

The path forward requires a collective effort from policymakers, educators, parents, and communities. We must advocate for increased public school funding, support for teachers, and innovative educational programs that prepare students for 21st-century challenges. Embracing technology and encouraging the development of critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills are essential.

Our children’s education is vital for national defense, economic security, and democratic integrity. The investments we make in education today will determine our nation’s strength and resilience tomorrow.

Montana needs Shannon O’Brien as our next Superintendent of Schools. Let’s vote for a brighter future for our children. Join me in voting for Shannon to bring the change that Montana needs. 

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