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Spring deer, elk surveys show mixed results

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News from MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks

HELENA — Biologists conducting spring deer and elk surveys found some areas with improved herd growth and some areas with lower recruitment due to poor habitat conditions and disease.

During the spring season, FWP wildlife staff get a pulse on deer and elk numbers by conducting aerial spring trend surveys or green-up flights across the state. These flights occur in the same areas year after year so biologist can understand population trends. During the flights, staff count the total number of deer and elk they see and classify fawns/calves and adults to determine recruitment rates. Fawns/calves counted during spring surveys have survived their first winter and are recruited into the population. The fawn/calf count also provides a critical measure for population – the ratio of young to adults. The data gathered from these surveys are then used to adjust any antlerless B licenses prior to the drawing.

Long-term datasets for deer and elk let FWP determine if populations are increasing, decreasing or remaining stable and adjust antlerless B licenses as needed.

For antlerless B licenses for both elk and deer, the Fish and Wildlife Commission approves a quota range for each hunting district, or in some cases a region. FWP adjusts the B license quota within that range as necessary to protect herd numbers.

Additionally, adjustments to season structure to address declines in herd numbers can also be done through the normal biennial season setting process, which took place last summer and fall. The Fish and Wildlife Commission approved deer and elk regulations, including quota ranges, in December.

Here is a rundown by area for spring counts and license quota adjustments:  

Northwest Montana - Region 1


What we saw: In this area of the state, aerial surveys are difficult because the tree canopy is dense. We base adjustments to licenses on antlered deer harvest. In hunting district (HD) 124, white-tailed buck harvest has declined in recent years.

What we did: In response to declining white-tailed buck harvests, FWP is reducing the number of white-tailed antlerless B licenses from 50 to 25 in HD 124.

Why we did it: Due to the reduced level of antlered buck harvest and desire to grow this herd, we are reducing the number of B licenses. 

The results we are expecting: We expect increased doe survival, allowing the deer population to grow. 


What we saw: The total number of elk counted during the 2024 spring surveys was 330, resulting in a three-year average of 339 (2022, 2023, 2024).

What we did: Reduced the number of antlerless B licenses from 50 to 25.

Why we did it: This change will reduce harvest on female elk and help increase elk numbers toward the population goal identified in the 2023 Elk Plan, which is a three-year average count between 360 and 510.

The result we are expecting: By reducing female harvest we expect to increase cow elk survival.


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