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Corps removes remaining lake level restrictions

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News from Energy Keepers Inc.

POLSON — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers removed the remaining flood control restrictions on Flathead Lake Levels at the end of May clearing the way for the lake to reach full pool of 2,893 feet. Energy Keepers Inc. managers will continue with historically low outflows to preserve the remaining runoff. Reaching full pool remains a high likelihood based on forecasts even though the summer of 2024 is expected to be a dry year.

“Lake levels will likely reach full pool by mid-June. It’s also very likely lake levels will begin to fall as the dry summer conditions settle in for the season,” said Brian Lipscomb, CEO of Energy Keepers Inc. “We’ll be ready to contend with whatever conditions come forward.”

Forecasters are seeing the dry summer conditions of 2023 lingering into 2024. 

“After reviewing current conditions and inflow predictions, the Columbia Basin Water Management office is lifting a previous constraint at SKQ Dam to allow for full refill of Flathead Lake,” said Kasi Underhill, hydraulics engineer, for Northwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “We don’t anticipate any downstream flooding effects at this point and are releasing the reservoir to continue to refill on minimum flows,” said Underhill. “This won’t guarantee that Flathead Lake will be full, but it gives it a better chance and we appreciate the cooperation and coordination of Energy Keepers staff.”

The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers had already approved two formal variations to the Flood Risk Management Plan this year to respond to dry conditions.

Each spring, Energy Keepers Inc. is required to follow a Flood Risk Management Plan by drawing the lake down 10 feet from maximum levels to 2,883 feet by mid-April if possible. The flood risk plan is dictated by a 1965 Memorandum of Understanding with the USACE. To follow the existing lake conditions, please go to the Range of Forecast Graphic that is updated weekly on the Energy Keepers web site and Facebook page. The website is located at and a simple search on Facebook will bring up the Energy Keepers page.


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