‘Tree of Life’ revealing
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I awoke suddenly at 4 a.m. May 27 from a dream and am typing away at 4:30. When I awoke, I took the dream right into my awake state and started completing the thoughts. When asleep, I was looking at the world and life as a huge tree, which I called the “Tree of Life.”
Last evening I attended the Lake County Democratic Dinner at the Mission Mountain Golf Course clubhouse west of Ronan. It was an enthusiastic gathering, lively, very well planned, and with excellent candidate presentations. The large dining room was filled with friends: new friends, old friends, young friends, political friends, candidate friends, and people from all walks of life and diverse cultural backgrounds. I know that this gathering is what prompted my “Tree of Life” dream.
The “Tree of Life” is this huge tree representing the entire world. Each and every person in this world is a piece of the tree. And there is only one tree. So, we are each part of nurturing the whole. We are roots, bark, trunk parts, branches, twigs, leaves, sap, and of course, the blemishes, too.
The source of the world’s problems is no different from those of our communities, states or national problems. They stem from the way people interact with each other. Each very diverse piece of “The Tree of Life” has a gift to give to the health of that tree. Each of us has a gift to give to the health of our community, our state, our nation and our world.
And just looking at our present politics, regardless of what political party we think we signed up for, what special interests we each have, and who we think we like or dislike, there is a greater mission than just our own little piece of the “tree” to which we are a part.
Is it possible in the nurturing of our “Tree of Life,” in just American politics, that we the people can actually be a power for cooperation between political parties so the the sap of life can actually flow in our nation, our “Tree of Life,” for the good of the whole?
I believe this is a vital question.
Bob McClellan