Arlee seniors for March 13, 2024
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By Arlee Seniors Board/cooks for the Valley Journal
ARLEE — March winds arrived this last week in February with another bout of snow/rain and all across the land with above and below freezing temperatures. But now we are looking forward to warmer weather, the first day of spring, changing our MST to daylight savings time, crocuses and daffodils extending their bloom toward the sun. Most of all, we look forward to our snowbirds finding their way back to Arlee and Montana soon.
We are blessed to offer you great lunches and suppers on the second and fourth Saturdays in March. We serve you on Mondays and Wednesdays at noon for a mere $4 per meal and on Saturdays for $5 a meal. Dustin, Randy and Marti do a wonderful job of teasing our taste buds, filling our tummies and most of all, being happy to prepare meals for us. This is a great way to come in to the center, being served, sharing stories and getting back together to nourish our minds as well as our bodies.
When you call 406-726-3213 to reserve a seat or for a takeout meal, you will no longer have to leave your phone number if you are a regular customer. If you are a new customer, we ask that you leave your phone number on the message machine. We realize many of you do not know if you are able to attend that day’s meal, but we really need to know numbers in order to keep your plate full of these tasty entrees. That is why we ask that you call by 9 a.m. the day of the meal and leave your name, phone number and count for the meal. Remember you do not have to be a senior to eat at the Arlee Senior Center. We love having people of all ages. The Salish Senior Center also offers meals on Tuesdays, Thursdays and at noon on Saturdays. All are welcome there too.
Our Valentine’s Day prime rib dinner was such a success with over 57 people served a delicious prime rib dinner with all the trimmings: shrimp cocktail, salad, punch, rolls and dessert. Thanks go to Marvin Rehbein for the beef. We invite you to our other great Saturday meals and encourage you to bring your family and friends.
More interest has been shown in beginning our Bingo after the noon meal. Look forward to this whenever we have several people willing to stay and play. Puzzles, a big screen TV, and games, are always available. The AARP Safe Driving Course will be offered this spring.
Area VI on Aging sends Mary and Debbie to assist us with Medicare and internet information on the first Monday of the month. Be informed and bring your needs to them.
If you know of a homebound person who could use a meal, give us their address or take a menu home to them. We sincerely want our elders to have a nutritious meal and it is inexpensive. We are very happy to serve you should you come to enjoy a meal at the center or as take-out. Good conversation, shared stories and games played are a good checkup on one another in our time and age.
God bless all of you and we hope to see you at our table.