Is Trump too young?
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Is Biden too old? Try asking this: “Is Trump too young?” Daily, Trump demonstrates that he has not developed the maturity to have impulse control, empathy, concern for the welfare of others, an ability to analyze evidence … and more. He misbehaves much like a selfish five-year-old.
As a growing person experiences obstacles, rewards, and slap downs, a healthy human develops modifications (internal thinking and behavioral actions) away from self-centeredness. The evolving brain plasticity melds new goals and emerging stages of life with more effective tactics. Broader social structures (different stakeholders, new rules and loyalties) require delayed gratification, understanding and cooperation.
For larger (or differing) societies to function well, these personal modifications allow the “experience of life” (survival and thriving) to be successful for wider ranges of our Earth’s companions … (other humans, plants, and animals). Many people believe these to be valid directions. An alternative is forceful dominance, subservience, and possible resistance and warfare.
Individual humans pick their unique favorite goals … and the bargaining for attention and resources commences. “Give-and-take” is political currency. A willingness to compromise becomes a glue which holds a given social structure (even with its always inherent internal diversity) together.
A leader must have the maturity to see beyond his/her immediate cravings. Trump appears not to have grown to this level. He seems mentally too young to run his own life effectively … and certainly not as leader of a nation.
Gene Johnson