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Polson Seniors for July 12, 2023

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POLSON — The Polson Senior Center is located at 504 Third Ave. E and and open from 8 a.m.–3 p.m. weekdays. Call 406-883-4735 or email us at: Submit your email address for updates and additional information from the Polson Senior Center.

Thanks for all the fresh meat and produce that is being donated to the center. Your harvest helps feed the hungry.  

Volunteer drivers with wheels needed for lunch. Pick your day or days to deliver. Substitutes welcome as well. Starting about 10:30 a.m., finish in about an hour Monday-Friday.

Save green bags (not Wal-Mart, which are too flimsy) for us. We use 600 bags every two months for commodity food distributions. We need to purchase these if they are not provided by donation.


Bingo: $100 payout on blackout guaranteed - bingo games Fridays at 7 p.m. “Playing Card” bingo played on the first and third Wednesday of each month.

Exercise: low impact -M-W-F, 10:30-11:30 a.m. - free informal video-assisted self-guidance  

Pinochle: Thursdays noon–3 p.m. free cookies, coffee, and good times 

Pool: open table 8 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays - form a group, pick a time 

Veterans’ Rep: first Friday (July 2) and third Tuesday (June18) of each month 10 a.m.-noon 

Mah-jongg:  Wednesdays at noon - watch and play - great brain exercise – mix/match with a twist

MENU (subject to change): $5 per serving 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. sit-down or take-out; call before 10 a.m. for delivery.   

Thursday, July 13: pork tips on pasta, peas, baked apples, coleslaw, cookies

Friday, July 14: crispy chicken sandwich, spud wedges, 3-bean salad, raspberry Jell-O parfait

Monday, July 17: chicken noodle soup, cheese bread, green salad, mandarin oranges

Tuesday, July 18: surprise  

Wednesday, July 19: chef salad, assorted dressings bread, fresh fruit

Thursday, July 20:  meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed corn, Caesar salad, chocolate squares

Friday, July 21: hash brown bake, link sausage, lemon muffin, pea/cheese salad, frosted cake

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