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Polson seniors for April 12, 2023

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POLSON — Local folks know that we have twelve seasons. April is called “Fake Spring.” It snows in April. It is cold. It is not truly spring until winter ends on May 3. Then spring starts, or as we say, the season of road construction. It lasts until whenever the money runs out. No matter what the season, here are ways you can support us:  

Free tax filing assistance is available on Mondays or Thursdays from now until April 13. Come in or call for an appointment and pick up a filing information packet. 


Ping pong for the public. Sign up at the Polson Senior Community Center.

Thursday nights are available for those interested in a weekly “board /card game night.” Several games may be offered, such as scrabble, cribbage, Yahtzee, Uno, Chinese checkers, backgammon, etc. Separate tables for separate games. B.Y.O.B., (bring your own board), and maybe a ping-pong game. Leave contact information at the center. Let us know if you are interested.   

Bowling Fun League: pay by the day, non-sanctioned, no-tap, Tuesdays, 1 p.m. weekly  

Bingo: $100 payout on blackout guaranteed - bingo games Fridays at 7 p.m. “Playing Card Bingo” first  and third Wednesdays of each month  

Exercise: low impact:  M-W-F, 10:30–11:30 a.m.

Pinochle: Thursdays, noon – 3 p.m.

Pool: open table from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays 

Tai Ji Quan: exercise for balance – Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m., Wednesdays 1-2 p.m. 

Veterans’ Rep: first Friday (April 7) and third Tuesday (April18) of each month from 10 a.m.-noon    

MENU (subject to change): sit-down or take-out; call before 10 a.m. for delivery - serving on site from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for $5

—  Thursday, April 13: oven fried chicken, baked beans, carrots, tomato aspic, cookies

—  Friday, April 14: sausage/egg/cheese roll-ups, baked apples, pea/cheese salad, pound cake with sauce

—  Monday, April 17: cheesy broccoli soup, soda bread, carrot raisin salad, turtle brownies 

—  Tuesday, April 18: meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed corn, green salad, cookies

—  Wednesday, April 19: soft-shell tacos with fixings, beans and rice, mandarin oranges, lemon/blueberry cheesecake

—  Thursday, April 20: turkey pot pie, biscuit, baked peaches, cucumber/onion salad, cherry dump cake

—  Friday, April 21: pork tips with gravy, rice, bacon and onion green beans, applesauce, pineapple fluff, vanilla pudding

We are located at 504 Third Ave. E, and are open from 8 a.m.–3 p.m. on weekdays. For more information, call 406-883-4735 or email us at:


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