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We’d like to thank everyone who helped make our March 10 Mission Valley Ice Arena Fundraiser at Glacier Brewery such a success.

Donors from throughout our Mission Valley came forward with wonderful items for our silent auction – from individuals with handmade art and crafts, to commercial enterprises eager to help us raise money.

There are too many to name here, but we appreciate all our volunteers, and donors – large businesses, family enterprises, and individuals. All were very generous. We realize that when a small business gives a product or service, it comes right off their bottom line.

We want to thank everyone who attended, many of whom stepped up and helped in the standing-room only crowd that spilled outdoors under our patio heaters. We tried to make everyone comfortable in the wintery air.

A special “triple axel” to Patrick of Glacier Brewing Company for hosting and staffing the event, and sharing his profits with us for his “Pints for a Purpose” evening.

All in all, we raised just over what hockey players would say, “ten thousand biscuits in the basket” which gets us closer to our goal!

The amount of money raised is wonderful, but our true take-away was the overwhelming community endorsement of the arena. This is indeed a wonderful community!

Mission Valley Ice Arena Board

Jamie Buhr

Linda Greenwood

Devin Huntley

Hilary Lozar

Steve “Bubs” Lozar

Carmine Mowbray

Danell “Bumper” Thingelstad

Steve Todd

Chuck Wall

Key volunteer 

Katie Walter


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