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Polson seniors for March 15, 2022

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POLSON — Time to begin the “Rites of Spring,” like digging out your umbrella and rain gear, if you can remember where you put them.

April showers bring May flowers, as the old saying goes. I say April showers bring more showers, and if it lets up enough to plant your garden, you should.

Come in and see our new carpet at the Polson Senior Center. This new heavy traffic variety will last longer and be easier to maintain. Most of the recent upgrades and repairs have come from the estates of deceased members of the Polson Senior Citizens. We are grateful for their generosity and  thankful for your continuing  support.  

Free tax filing assistance is available on Mondays or Thursdays from now until April 13. Come in or call for an appointment and pick up a filing information packet.


Some members are interested in a regularly scheduled “board game night” in which a number of games may be offered, such as scrabble, cribbage, Yahtzee, Uno, Chinese checkers, etc. There would be separate tables for separate games. If interested in an evening of board games, leave your contact information at the center.

The Ronan Senior Center is hosting pinochle games every Monday starting at 3:30 p.m. and going until about 6 p.m. 

Ping-pong, anyone? Sign up if you are interested. 

Bowling Fun league: pay by the day - non-sanctioned, no-tap, weekly on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. 

Bingo: $100 payout on blackout guaranteed -  bingo games on Fridays at 7 p.m. “Playing Card” bingo is played on the first and third Wednesday of each month 

Exercise: low impact -  M-W-F, 10:30 –11:30 a.m.

Pinochle: Thursdays, 12:15–3 p.m. - new players welcome 

Pool: open table 8 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays 

Tai Ji Quan: exercise for balance: Tuesdays 10-11 a.m. & Wednesdays 1-2 p.m. 

Veterans’ Rep: first Friday (April 7) and third Tuesday (April 18) of each month, 10 a.m.-noon    

MENU (subject to change): sit-down, take-out, call before 10 a.m. for delivery. Serving on site from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for $5.

 —  Thursday, March 23: Polish dogs, onions and relish, Mac and cheese, creamy peaches, Jell-O  

—  Friday, March 24: birthday dinner for lunch - roast turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry salad, etc.   

—  Monday, March 27: beef/noodle Soup, peanut butter & jelly sandwich, peas and cheese salad, cookies 

—  Tuesday, March 28: barbecue pork, corn, chips, pepperoni pasta salad, coconut cream pudding   

—  Wednesday, March 29: taco potato with the fixings, key lime bars 

—  Thursday, March 30: turkey ala King, pasta, green beans, baked peaches, tossed salad, 7-layer cake  

—  Friday, March 31: meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, fruit Jell-O, chocolate cake 

We are located at 504 Third Ave. E, and are open from 8 a.m.– 3 p.m. on weekdays. Call: 406-883-4735 or email us at:


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