Gianforte announces launch of ‘DON’T QUIT’ Campaign
Three Montana Schools To Be Awarded Fitness Centers
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News from the office of Governor Gianforte
HELENA — Governor Greg Gianforte today announced the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils (NFGFC) has selected Montana for its 2023 DON’T QUIT campaign.
As part of the campaign, the NFGFC, chaired by Jake Steinfeld, will gift a state-of-the-art DON’T QUIT Fitness Center to three elementary or middle schools in Montana. Forty-two states have participated in the campaign.
“Getting and staying active is essential to leading a healthy, productive life,” Governor Gianforte said. “We’re thrilled to be selected for NFGFC’s 2023 DON’T QUIT campaign to help build a healthier, brighter future for young Montanans, and I encourage schools to apply.”
“For the last 40 years I’ve led the charge regarding the importance of physical activity as a way to combat childhood obesity. But the benefits don’t stop there,” said Jake Steinfeld. “Exercise has also been proven to provide a positive effect on a child’s mental health as well. Our kids are our most precious resource and by providing them with a strong foundation in health and fitness, we will be helping them excel beyond their wildest dreams. It’s inspiring to see elected leaders like Governor Greg Gianforte champion the DON’T QUIT! vision by jumping onboard and welcoming us into the great state of Montana.”
Elementary and middle schools in Montana are now eligible to apply for the program through Sunday, March 26, with winning schools announced later this year.