Oppose SB210
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I’m amazed at the fact that some members of the GOP Super Majority/Freedom caucus have not taken care of a loved one who is dying. Should they have had this experience, they would not be in support of SB210 which ends the statutory approach to medical aid in dying, set out in the Montana Supreme Court 2009 Baxter decision. Baxter has successfully worked to protect a patient’s most personal end of life decisions.
As a retired nurse who had the often blessed experience of caring for the dying for over a decade, let me assure you, most of us don’t just close our eyes and pass away. More often than not, our entrance into and our departure from this life is not without struggle. And we should be grateful for the loving hands who help us in these transitions. SB210 takes these hands away.
I hear that support for SB210 can come from religious positions so let me pose this question. Does your religious education come from a place of self-education or self-glorification? If the former, perhaps you are a better person; if the latter, then most likely as not, those who do not share your values are misguided souls. Let’s stand up to the real misguided souls supporting this bill.
Carol Werner