NLCLF announces $2 million renovation
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News from the North Lake County Library Foundation
POLSON — The North Lake County Library Foundation is leading “The Next Chapter Campaign” to raise $2 million to renovate the North Lake County Public Library District’s facility. Through simple modifications, the current library location will expand its usable space, meet ADA regulations, increase technology, and offer even more resources to the community. The Foundation has raised $1.5 million of the goal since June 2021.
“Our community relies on the resources we provide at the library, but with a growing population, outdated building and staff eager to add additional programs and services, we are finding it difficult to fulfill our mission of – a contemporary center of literacy and lifelong learning for all users – without making these key improvements,” said Abbi Dooley, library director of the North Lake County Public Library District.
Since moving to the corner of First Avenue and First Street East in 1989, minimal structural improvements have been made to the library. The goal of “The Next Chapter Campaign” is to modernize the facility while increasing accessibility.
Features of the renovated library include a new ADA-compliant entrance at ground level from First Street East, plus other ADA improvements in the restrooms and throughout the library; 2,000 additional square feet of usable space through the demolition of the former Sandpiper Art Gallery’s interior walls; increased space for the Children’s Area; additional room for public computers and a dedicated Maker’s Space with a 3D printer; a new welcome desk area with improved safety and lines of sight; a coffee shop; and increased seating availability for patrons.
“Our volunteer Foundation Board has worked diligently with our generous community for the last 18 months to raise $1.5 million,” said Connie Brownell, president of the North Lake County Library Foundation. “We are grateful for the support received so far and are eager to reach our goal to make this dream a reality for our area.”
Each year, the North Lake County Public Library District serves thousands of individuals and families through programs like children’s story hour, Humanities Montana lectures, and technology assistance services. In FY2019, nearly 60,000 books, e-books and audio books were circulated to library cardholders.
To learn more about “The Next Chapter Campaign,” contact Connie Brownell at, or go to