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Ryan Zinke is at it again. He’s trying to erase his debacle as Interior Secretary, in which he erased national monuments, reduced hunter access to public lands and handed the keys to our best hunting and fishing to the oil industry.

Zinke blames President Biden for gas prices, but that’s happening around the globe. In truth, oil is a global commodity, and Big Oil cut production to drive up prices – and of course their profits. In fact, the Biden administration has approved more new wells in its first year than Trump did, something Lyin’ Ryan conveniently forgets. Biden also actually is taking a look at where we should drill, not just throwing out permits whilly nilly everywhere, with no oversight, as Zinke did.

Why would Zinke lie? It likely has to do with the fact that he immediately became a high-paid lobbyist for Big Oil as soon as he was fired by Trump. What a disgrace.

Zinke failed in running our public lands and will fail in Congress. 

Suz Rittenhouse


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