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Prior to adopting an anti-vaxx attitude in 1974, I personally ‘respected’ the vaccine concept. What did I know as a child? Being routinely jabbed by the insistence of the public schools was commonplace acceptance. The current maniacal tyrannical bullying of getting jabbed with an irrational, experimental therapy (not vaccine) has led me to review vaccines in general, and in particular the history thereof. The history is certainly less than clear and begins to look ominously scary. If we have anything for which to thank the SarsCoV-2 indoctrination is that history might clear-headedly show that a lot of people have been fooled, for a very long time. ‘Vaccine’ just might be a misnomer. Will future generations come to know of vaccines as mythology? And you may ask yourself, why is the government mandating these drugs and offering myriads of incentives? The difference between the government’s actions and drug-running cartels is that at least the drug-running cartels don’t mandate their drugs. Many new platforms to hear truth from uncensored experts exist. Investigate for yourself. Visit sites such as Spotify with Joe Rogan or VaccinePolice with Stew Peters and you be the judge. These platforms trust in your intelligence to discern a different point of view.

David Passieri

St. Ignatius

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