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To those independent voters out there - in spite of the effect any of these letters have on our area politics and leadership, it is you who put people into office. This is what we are told by historical journalists who don’t have a side other than finding out why something occurs.

No political party has a majority in Montana. One certainly has a bigger population and if left unchecked will abuse our laws to suit their views. The issue of voting rights for every eligible voter and the right to control your own body for everyone becomes corrupted from the ideals of our country. The writer who wrote about the anti-vaxer claiming it was his right to choose how to use his body and not be vaccinated yet is not also concerned with a woman’s right to control her body exposes a hypocrite.

Depending on your Christian religious affiliation abortion is either ok with God or not ok with God, but the rhetoric they spew is that their religious beliefs should outweigh yours. Two-way streets are often turned into one-way streets by those you help put in office, either with your vote, or many times when you choose not to vote.

So, I am asking you to be involved in politics when the time comes and make a conscious decision and take the effort to vote. You can prevent those like we now have in power from leading our country into a nation like we have seen elsewhere come to power throughout history, or currently in Russia. You can prevent the liberties and values we have from being lost to the future and to our children’s lives.

Did you ever think you would live to see armed ‘patriots’ attempt to overthrow our government? Whatever they label themselves and however they justify their actions - it was an attempted coup. And you can prevent it happening by even a small action and involvement.

Rich Bell



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