Peaceful resolutions vitally important
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Our nation and our world are presently fac- ing a most critical point towards continuing living our lives together here
on earth. There are two outstanding very present and important issues.
1. Climate change. We must properly activate our technologies and techniques to maintain human life as we know it.
2. Military might. This has habitually been our ways of handling inter- national conflicts. Our weapons development
and their use must be replaced with peaceful negotiations and work- able solutions between nations
These two factors in our human existence im- mediately need and re- quire our nation’s and our
world’s attention. This requires top-level atten- tion, thorough review, national and internation- al top-level discussions. These meetings must be non-political, non-selfish and focused on sensible national and internation-
al actions. Peaceful conflict
resolutions are vitally important right now in both our personal and collective lives together.
Bob McClellan