Nothing new under the sun
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So sez the wisest man they say who ever lived. He continued, “The wind blows to the South and turns back to the North; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from. There they return again.”
Perhaps the climate changers could explain the dinosaurs bones over east? According to scientists it was once a swamp, man the climate sure changed over there. And there was no drill’n rigs or model Ts or 737s.
Like the tower of Babel, those billionaires are flopping around up there. To each their own, I guess. According to the magazine Scientific American, our Milky Way alone contains over one trillion planets and that’s just one galaxy in a universe of at least 100 billion.
If that doesn’t make man feel insufficient I don’t know what will.
The climate has always changed. When the climate changes the One who created it will have the final say. Instead of pouring money down that Paris Climate Accord rat hole, the money would be better spent helping those dear folks who are flooded out and burned out and lost everything.
Perhaps Solomon said it best thinking about man’s efforts. “Meaningless, meaningless a chasing after the wind.”
Dale Terrillion