Silent auction supports MMIP, closes May 17
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FLATHEAD RESERVATION — In honor of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples around the world and specifically on the Flathead Indian Reservation, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' MMIP Workgroup launched a fundraising campaign to support local MMIP Victim Services.
People are asked to invest in indigenous sisters and brothers by contributing to this hope-giving campaign either by direct fund donation or by bidding on one of the fantastic silent auction items.
Generous donations have already begun and the CSKT MMIP Workgroup is hoping to raise thousands of dollars, which can be used for on-the-ground support for victims’ services such as search party supplies, radio/billboard advertisements for missing persons and many more critical support mechanisms for families in need of help in a most tragic time.
Bidding is now available and closes on Monday, May 17, at 8 a.m. Thank you, in advance for your kindness. You can view the silent auction at the following link at
The items available on the bidding website include several works of art, gift baskets, music, blankets and jewelery. To bid, click on the item and sign in.