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Montana’s outdoors need to be guarded

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Last November, voters passed I-190, recreational marijuana, which is estimated to provide $25 million annually to help fund hunting and fishing, trails, outdoor opportunities and other conservation projects.

Montanans love the outdoors so do the thousands of visitors to the state. In 2019, tourism generated $3.7 billion in revenue. Conservation of public lands and enhancing outdoor opportunities is a double win; it’s good for Montana citizens personally, and it’s good for businesses.

Several bills in the legislature seek to strip away those funds from conservation projects even though that’s part of the reason many people voted for the initiative. Three bills have been tabled, but HB 701 is still active. Please contact your legislators ( or 406-444-4800) to oppose HB 701. Express your support for our great outdoors and your support for the conservation funds approved by voters.

Stephanie Brancati

Big Arm


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