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I’m sure I am not the only person distraught over the goings on at the legislature. I’m concerned that they don’t appear to have done much research on a lot of bills. Legislators have squandered lots of tax dollars looking out for themselves and their buddies, not the common good. They have promoted hatred of people who are gay, transgender children, wolves. They have gone after voters. All this with no data that I have seen, just their emotions.

Election officials say 2020 was one of the most secure elections ever. I called 10 county election offices around the state. I asked if they had issues with voter fraud. One county said that a mother had signed her child’s absentee ballot. It was caught because counties carefully check signatures. I asked if their local representatives contacted them for information. The answer was “no” on all counts but one. 

One employee said that some residents in her county, who have always voted absentee, were against mail in ballots. One law that did not pass would have stopped absentee voting for snowbirds who left early and for those of us who get our mail at a post office box. How much thought went into that one?

Legislators wish to butt into personal issues where they have no business and without data. How many transgender kids are there in Montana? Data please. How many wolves have snatched kids and pets off the back porch? The real issue is that the sponsor is a trapper and would like to have his business/hobby expanded and subsidized.  

People should track the goings on in Helena. The attacks have been endless, embarrassing, without merit and on your nickel. Do your own research, ask questions, verify what you hear.

Vicky Maclean


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